12) A Reunion

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AN: Music for this Chapter (on repeat): Say by John Mayer, No Promises by Shayne Ward



-St. Petersburg, Russia-

They arrived in St. Petersburg the following night and by the time they gotten to the palace, it was nearly midnight. The cab pulled up and dropped them off at the front gate and two burly looking guards stepped forward, stopping any further advancement.

"Halt!" They shouted in Russian, guns aimed and ready to fire. "The palace is closed." The bigger of the two stepped forward, still aiming his gun at Jack. "Leave!" He shouted.

Two more guards appeared on the other side of the gate. Deciding this was getting them nowhere Jack gave in. "Alright... alright. We'll come back tomorrow."

The disapproving look from Sydney not lost on him but pulled her back none-the-less.

After walking down the road a bit, and out of earshot, Sydney let him have it. "Come back tomorrow? I don't want to wait until tomorrow!"

"Sydney, I had to say that...they obviously weren't going to let us in the old fashion way. And they're a little too jumpy to argue with."

"Look!" Vaughn stopped walking pointing to a section of windows that were lit. "Someone's in there."

"It's got to be Mom." She said looking up at the top of the fence. "We can scale it."

"And get shot in the process?" Jack shot back. "We didn't come equipped for this." He looked down at his civilian attire.

"How much equipment do we need to scale a fence?" She furrowed her eyebrows at her father. "Dad... Mom's in there I know it. I'm going in." She jumped onto the iron bars and began making her way over. Jack and Vaughn following behind.

They made their way around the back of the house, through the garden they recognized from the photos, and to the massive front doors.

"Now what?" Vaughn asked staring at the massive doors in front of them.

"We ring the bell." Sydney pushed the delicate brass button near the side of the door.


They waited nervously, scanning their surroundings for any sign of the guards. The door slowly creaked open and an older looking man dressed in a black butlers suit answered. He was immediately alarmed at finding three strangers on the doorstep and looked around for the guards, holding tightly to the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, we need to speak with my... with Irina Derevko." Sydney responded in Russian and pushed forwards toward the door, believing more then ever her mother was in there with the man's startled reaction.

"I'm sorry, there is no one here by that name." He replied quickly attempting to shut the door. "Da Svidanya."

"Wait!" Sydney switched to English in panic mode and shoved her foot in the door blocking him from closing it further. "I know she's here! She's my mother!"

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