55) A Promise Kept

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Music for the chapter (on repeat): And it's timed perfectly... The End,  The Maze Runner Finale Theme ( repeat till end)



As promised, the black helicopter awaited them when they landed at the airport in India.

Vaughn had just finished putting on his black field gear and packing his bag when he suddenly remembered something. 'Sydney didn't have a shirt anymore.' It seemed inconsequential to think about such a thing at this time and he had no idea why he had. He grabbed an extra black undershirt and rolled it up, stuffing it into his bag before heading out to meet with the others.

The fearsome group of four checked in with Kendall back at Ops and waved 'goodbye' to the Indian officers below as they slowly rose into the night sky.

Jack's heart beat loudly in his ears, overpowering the sound of the chopper blades as they whizzed over the desert below. He sat perched near the open side so that he could watch the ground flash by underneath them as Weiss guided them excellently over the rough terrain. His mind was swimming with images of Irina and Sydney, words spoken, laughs shared, promises made and life yet to be lived. Logic told him that Irina had to be dead by now but his heart defied the supposed truth. He didn't feel it and if he told himself he didn't feel it, then she wasn't gone. He still had a chance to save his 'soul' once more.

God had granted them so many miracles, the last being Lena surviving Cuvee's brutality. He only prayed, that he would be granted two more.

Irina knew all to well where she was headed when they took her through a set of steal doors on the opposite side of the prison. She'd been tortured enough within these walls to still smell her own searing flesh twenty years later. They moved her to the front center of the room against a wall and unshackled her hands just long enough to move her arms above her head, fastening them to a set of shackles in the ceiling, and her feet to two sets on the floor, one for each foot.

When the guards stepped back, one of them began cranking on a lever that lifted Irina of the ground until the restraints pulled tightly on her ankles, digging into her flesh painfully, and making Irina bite her lip to keep from crying out in pain, feeling the blood running down her arms from her wrists and dripping down her toes from her ankles. Cuvee stepped in smiled brightly, puffing on another cigarette as his gaze leered over her form once more. He nodded at the guards and they left abruptly. His smile widening as he came to stand in front of her, their eyes locking in a battle of wills.

"What are you waiting for? If you're going to do this just get it over with and do it." Irina hissed at him in a low voice, knowing full well that he planned on torturing her slowly and playing some sort of sick game with her before the fatal blow.

His only response was to laugh deeply, and grab her face painfully hard with one hand, squeezing it as he responded, "Not yet, my little Minx, not yet. Since this is our last night together, I want to make it memorable for all parties. Sydney will be joining us soon."

"Leave her out of this, Gerard." Irina couldn't quall the terror that shot through her with the thought of Sydney in danger. "This has always been about you and I…I don't care what you do with me…but leave her out of this. You're an ignorant fool if you think that Jack and the CIA will not look for her after I'm gone."

He backhanded her hard, causing the blood to poor from her lip and nose once more with a dangerous smile.

"I'm not the one who's the ignorant fool, Irina! You are." His hand reaching up to tenderly touch her cheek as if he had not been the one to just cause the damage there. 

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