16) If I Stay...

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AN: Music for this Chapter (on repeat): I Don't Want to Know (Instr.) by Mario, Feelin' Love by Paula Cole, Try by Nelly Fertado, Delirium Silence (remix) by Sarah McLachlan, In My Place by Coldplay, The Russian Dervish-Marta's Dance by Celtic Dance, Lara's Theme from Dr. Zhivago Soundtrack, Leave No Man Behind by Hans Zimmer from Black Hawk Down Soundtrack



"Jack, where the hell are you?" Kendall's voice boomed over the phone as Jack took a seat on the front steps of the palace. "According to your cell phones, the three of you are all on separate continents following 'this lead,' but somehow I doubt that as the signals haven't left the airports."

"I can't discuss that at this time without jeopardizing my contact or myself."

"Your contact?" Kendall sniffed the air, having a good idea who that 'contact' was. "You mean Derevko?"

Jack remained silent on the other end of the phone.

"Your silence speaks volumes, Jack."

"I will neither confirm nor deny the name of my contact, this is nothing new, Kendall. It's standard proto-cal for Agents in the field to protect their contacts. I'm calling to ask what you've found out about the other nine agents Irina... Derevko has supposedly murdered."

Kendall had heard the slip up Jack made by calling her Irina but ignored it. "We've found red flags in all of their missions, some of which were acknowledged at the time as suspect but were overlooked after the agents were supposedly killed. One more of the remaining nine has been positively identified as KGB." Kendall sighed rubbing his temples at the mess this all was creating.

"Who?" Jack asked, rubbing his temples thinking much the same.

"Paul McCallister otherwise known as Peter Malkovich."

"Paul?" Jack sighed and shook his head.

"You knew him?"

"Apparently as well as I knew my wife." Jack stood and began pacing thinking about how he could have been so blind then. 'No that wasn't true' he thought. "Actually, I didn't really know him that well even under the pretense that he was 'Paul the CIA analyst.' The guy was Arvin's roommate at the Farm and we worked together with him on a few missions." Jack was quiet a moment thinking about some comments that he had made to 'Paul' on one of those missions about Laura/Irina when they were discussing their wives. He couldn't help but wonder now if 'Paul' had really known who 'Laura' was at that time and was secretly laughing at the stupid American fool gushing over his amazing 'wife.' "What about Sloane and Cuvee?" Jack suddenly remembered who he was on the phone with.

"We've learned Sloane just recently purchased fertility research and surgical equipment from a German medical supplier under the alias 'Omnifam Corporation' but from there we've lost the trail."

"I can only speculate what the hell he's going to do with that and what it has to do with Irina and the Rambaldi Prophecy." Jack's concern was growing even more now with the news.

"Actually, we think we have some idea from the decoded Rambaldi pages Sydney recovered from Cuvee." Kendall added hesitantly. "The documents were incomplete in their decoding but from what has been decoded, it would seem that Sloane is going to attempt to use Derevko as a human incubator of sorts for the second coming of Rambaldi. Something about creating 'The Chosen Child' of 'The One' from the descendents of Rambaldi and apparently, it is 'that' child that will bring utter desolation to the world."

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