10) A Baby Presence

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AN: Music for this Chapter (on repeat): Volare by The Gypsy Kings, How to Save a Life by The Fray, The Reason by Hoobastank, Mother of a Mother by Michael Giacchino from The ALIAS Soundtrack 'Irina's Theme.'



It had been two weeks since the encounter with Katya and everyone was growing restless. The information Irina had provided proved to be legitimate, bringing down quite a number of top terrorists around the globe. The Intel they, in turn provided, suggested Sloane and Cuvee had recovered and were beginning to reorganize looking for Irina had become their top priority.

The actual phrase that came across in the Intel was, 'The hunt is on' and the thought sent chills down Jack's spine. Especially now, since they had finished decoding the Rambaldi pages Sydney had stolen from Cuvee. The pages had proclaimed that Rambaldi would be reborn from the life-blood of 'The Chosen One,' creating the perfect unity and fulfilling the Prophecy. What that actually meant, know one knew for certain.

The one thing Jack did know for certain, Irina was in terrible danger. Normally, she could take care of herself, but according to Katya, she was in no condition to do that. The thought of Cuvee finding her and what he would do to her; scared the hell out of Jack now, after seeing the Kashmir files.

He shook his head, trying to rid the horrible images he was conjuring up there. He reached into his briefcase and pulled out the annulment papers, his thumb grazing over Irina's signature once more. He still couldn't bring himself to sign them, not yet anyway. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Sydney and Vaughn approaching and he quickly shoved the papers back into his case.

Sydney had been working endlessly on any clues that might lead her to any information on her mother's whereabouts, determined not to let Irina disappear on her again. She'd spent countless hours questioning Sark for anything he might know, and in the end gained nothing.

Vaughn's enthusiasm for finding Irina matched that in Jack and Sydney's, after hearing Katya's comments suggesting she too, knew his father. 'Why and how', the questions that wouldn't let him sleep at night.

"Sydney, Vaughn," Jack greeted them calmly, seeing the troubled looks on their faces, "What's going on?"

"Kendall's called a briefing, he says it has something to do with Mom." Sydney crossed her arms over her chest, feeling suddenly insecure. "We're supposed to meet in the briefing room now."

"Ok," Jack rose slowly out of his chair, worried about what they were about to learn, "Did he say what?"

"No, he just said to get you and be in there in five."

Jack nodded and they headed for the briefing room.

"As most of you know," Kendall began looking around the room, "Irina Derevko escaped US custody and has been successfully eluding recapture for the past six months. Today, we hope to change that." Giving an almost sympathetic look to Jack and Sydney. "For the past five weeks, agents have been working undercover tracking a known arms dealer, Antonio Santiago, across South America. One week ago, Santiago checked into a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for an infection in his lung."

"What does this have to do with my mother?" Sydney interrupted, growing impatient with this news.

"Everything." Kendall hit the Play button and video surveillance from the hospitals exterior began to play. "Yesterday morning Santiago was released," Santiago could be seen leaving the hospital and getting into a waiting car. "Not surprising. What was surprising to the agents, was the person who walked out the door just a minute after, Irina Derevko."

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