18) Baby Lena

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Music for this chapter (on repeat): Into Your Heart by Sarai Givaty, Boot Were Made for Walkin' by Nancy Sinatra, Linger by The Cranberries, Where Are We Runnin? by Lenny Kravitz, Mother, We Just Can't Get Enough by New Radicals, Only Time by Enya



Sydney arrived early to work the next day after having not slept at all the night before. The idea of her mother in CIA custody, and the uncertainty of it all, very unsettling, keeping her awake for most of the night.

"Dad." She was surprised to find him there as well, but then noticed the dark circles under his eyes and realized he probably wasn't sleeping either. "Have you spoken with Devlin about getting Mom released?" She asked setting the bag of food for her breakfast with her mother down temporarily on the desk.

"I was just about to make the call. He's been in a meeting since 8 a.m." Jack rifled through some files, glancing up every so often to the monitor giving live feed into Irina's cell. Irina was seen sitting on her bed, reading the Bible that was left for her.

"Have you seen Mom yet this morning?" She picked up the bag, glancing back and forth between her father and the screen.

"Yes, she's expecting you." He gave her a short smile and then returned to his paper work.

Irina had heard the clanking of the gates signaling her arriving visitor and put the book aside, greeting her daughter with a big smile.

"Sydney," Irina struggled slightly to stand.

"Mom, stay there." Sydney waved her down through the glass as she waited for the guard to open the cell door and give her entrance.

Irina complied, too comfortable to move at this point. Sydney sat beside her on the bed.

"I brought you something." Sydney smiled reaching into the bag.

"Something more than breakfast? You're spoiling me." Irina smiled and watched intrigued as Sydney pulled out a black gel filled ball, and a tennis ball.

"So you can keep up with your physical therapy." Sydney smiled handing her mother the objects.

"Sydney," Irina looked surprised at the thoughtfulness of her daughter, "Thank you."

"How'd you sleep?" She asked pulling out two Styrofoam containers and two bottles of juice.

"About as well as you." Irina smiled reaching up to trace the dark line under Sydney's eye. "Ah, I can't wait until I can drink coffee again." Irina twisted the top off the orange juice bottle. "I would kill for some coffee right now."

Sydney stopped her movements and glanced up in response.

"Sydney, I'm not serious." Irina laughed. "Just a little prison humor. "

"Sorry, I am just so, irritated by all this." Sydney fumbled through the bag once more, retrieving two plastic forks, handing one to her mother.

"It's ok." Irina folded one leg under the other, understanding her daughter's frustrations. She placed her container on her belly and used it as a table. "Sorry, I don't have a table to offer you." She gave Sydney another sarcastic smile looking around the empty cell.

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