51) Bristow Family Life Threat

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Here With Me- Dido, A Small Measure of Peace by Hans Zimmer the Last Samurai Soundtrack, Malleus Maleficarum by Hans Zimmer from The Da Vinci Code Soundtrack.



"Sonofabitch!" Jack screamed and clenched his trembling fingers into fists, "I knew this was going to happen! I knew it! I had a bad feeling about her leaving this morning! Goddamnit! Why didn't I listen to myself!?" He ranted to himself and Vladimir felt helpless on the other side of the phone. "How the hell could this happen? I thought she was supposed to be in an armored limo with four security cars around her?" He rapidly flung clothes out of his drawer searing for a shirt.

"She was, Jack. Nineteen members of the twenty member detail were all killed…one, is missing as well, and we can only assume at this point that the guard missing was working for whomever ambushed them. He had to have been, for shots to be fired inside her armored limo and kill Yuriy and the driver." Vladimir was growing angrier by the second thinking about one of his own countrymen turning on their Tsar, undoubtedly for money. "We have no idea who took her…no demands have been made which is usual when a high ranking political official is abducted…which to me suggests-"

"She wasn't abducted for ransom, but revenge." He gulped knowing of one man who would go to such great lengths to get to Irina...

"Yes." Vladimir sighed quietly.

"I'm on my way." Jack fumed as he threw on his socks and shoes. He stormed down the hallway and threw open Sark's door, blasting the light on and making the young man bolt upright in bed.

Sark didn't need to hear the words to know something had happened to Irina by the look on Jack's face.

"Cuvee ambushed Irina's team on the way from the airport in Moscow. Irina and Lena are both missing, everyone else is dead. We're going to Moscow." Jack gulped and Sark flew out of bed instantly, wearing only his boxers and started searching for some clothing immediately, feeling the panic rise in him at the thought of Irina alone with Cuvee after what he'd seen on the tapes and the baby!

'Oh God the baby!' He swallowed hard trying not to think of the fact that she was with Cuvee as well.

Jack bounded down the steps with great speed and flew into his office, throwing the files on Cuvee he'd been looking at into his briefcase and removed his guns from the bottom of his false bottom drawer, placing them inside as well. He paused when his eyes caught Irina's smiling face in the photo from their wedding day and his heart felt like shattering as his mind filled with her screams for help from the Kashmir tapes and what Cuvee was doing to her. He grasped the picture and put it into his briefcase along with the one of her and Lena with the baby sleeping on her chest. He latched it closed and met Sark at the door.

Within minutes they were flying down the freeway towards Sydney and Vaughn's with Jack on the phone relaying to Kendall what had happened and setting up a plane from Van Nuys to take them to Moscow tonight.

Jack stood stone still as he rapt on the door and rang the doorbell repeatedly in the middle of the night on his daughter's doorstep.

Vaughn sleepily answered the door wearing only boxers with messy hair and groggy eyes that went wide seeing Jack dressed at his doorstep and looking deadly serious at an ungodly hour of the morning. He didn't have time to ask before Sydney came up right behind him with wide panicked eyes.

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