46) A Dangerous Tactical Operation.

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Flower by Moby, Blue Monday by Orgy.



Jack walked into the Captains cabin at 9:30PM the following night and smiled, watching Irina getting dressed and laughed softly.

"What are you laughing at?" She turned to face him as she pulled her black cargo pants up her long legs. Standing in nothing but her sports bra, underwear and now pants.

"I was beginning to wonder if you owned any regular underwear anymore or if you just always wore thongs or went commando?" He snickered watching her black cotton panties disappear as she zipped up her pants, sitting on the bed, all ready dressed in his black fatigues.

"Of course I do!" Irina laughed back at him, adjusting her belt. "You've got to have something breathable and comfortable on under fatigues silly." Her accent thickened with her words and the sparkle in her eye teasing him. Her body was rippling with hard curves down her arms, back and abs and he motioned her with his fingers to come to him after watching her pull the black formfitting shirt over her head and down her body. "What?" She asked coyly walking to stand in front of him as her hands swooped behind her head, pulling her long hair out from the back of her shirt.

Jack's fingers danced at the shirts hemline and his face held a naughty smile as he inched the fabric up, kissing each section of her protruding abdominals, following their indentions with his tongue and making her laugh and her body swirl with desire.

"Jack, you have to stop that or we'll never leave this cabin." She cupped his head with a smile and ran her fingernails over his scalp.

"I can't help it; you're just so tempting." He placed on last, soft kiss just above her belly button and lightly pulled her shirt down, looking up at her with a mischievous grin. "I'll let you finish now."

"Thank you." She smiled brightly and bent to kiss his lips quickly, continuing to tuck her shirt in.

"Where's your Kevlar?" Jack narrowed his eyebrow at her.

"In the storage room with yours and everyone elses!" She used her teacher tone with him, kneeling down to lace up her boots.

"Just checking." Jack grinned at her with a shrug, "I have to protect my heart after all." It was true, she owned his heart and it was tangled inside with her own.

"The same goes for you!" She stood and wrapped her arm around his neck pressing the other hand over his heart, "Take care of mine." She smiled and dropped her mouth to his.

"You ready?" He whispered into her face.

"As I'll ever be." She smiled, kissing once more quickly then backed up, slinging her black backpack of clothes on her back and scooping up Lena out of the crib, nuzzling her face into the crook of the baby's neck.

Jack followed her out and through the submarine to the storage room where their gear was being stowed.


"Ok, does everyone have everything?" Irina asked the group standing around her as she finished strapping her holsters to her legs. She pulled a magazine and slammed it into the base of each weapon before securing them on the sides of her thighs.

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