44) Stolen Moments

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Bambaleo and Baila Me by the Gypsy Kings, Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman by Brian Adams



"I just need to shower and change quick, then I'll be ready." Irina smiled warmly at Jack, kissing his lips quickly as she stood next to where he sat on the large bed in their suite, watching a sleeping Lena in the basket on the bed.

Irina had come home and nursed the baby as Jack had sewn up her arm and now was sound asleep for at least the next four hours. They'd let the agents go for a half hour to get something for dinner before they left and Jack had just finished stitching up her arm carefully.

Jack caught her hand and pulled her to him, "No...don't shower, don't change."

Irina furrowed her brow in confusion. "Jack...I jumped off a balcony and rolled onto the grass...I have grass in my hair." She laughed, pulling a single green blade. "Not to mention Zamir slobbered on my chest...I need to shower and change."

"No...please." His eyes begged her and then roamed over her body as his face came with in inches of the exposed skin of her chest and torso through the slit in the front of her dress. His fingers moving up to lightly trace her soft skin between the pieces of red fabric. He looked up into her face with her wild eyes and hair. She looked absolutely beautiful and incredibly sexy. "This is my new favorite dress." He waggled his eyebrows as his hand moved to her thigh exposed through the leg slit. "You look...amazing. Incredible. Gorgeous. Fantastic. Brilliant. Wild and crazy sexy!" His hand snaked around the back of her thigh and went under the dress to cup her ass. "Just like in Bangkok... seeing you in action...I can't help it...You're so crazy beautiful! I want you...now, in this dress..."

Irina was smiling madly at her husband as she looked down into his eyes, taking a step closer so she was standing between his legs. Jack's fingers began curling around the back of her thigh creeping between her legs.

"Thank you...Jack as much as I would love to make love with you right now on my adrenaline rush...because I can only imagine how explosive that would be," She smiled with her eyes and licked her lips feeling his hand creeping closer and making her breathing pick up, "But we don't time...the kids are going to be back here in a few minutes to meet us."

"Irina..." Jack shifted uncomfortable with his growing erection at just the mere sight of her and remembering her earlier in the day. "We have time...we'll make it real quick...it might be that way anyway since I am so excited to get inside you..." He said seriously, brushing his other hand over her flat abdomen. "Please!" He begged dramatically and she laughed hysterically.

"Ok..." She bent over, capturing his lips with a hot kiss. "But I am washing his slobber off my chest before I let you touch me." She kissed him again quick, feeling her own passion building and headed straight for the bathroom.

Jack sat for about 30 seconds on the bed and couldn't wait anymore, with great effort with his painfully hard cock pressed against his pants he went into the bathroom with her. His breath caught when he stood in the doorway looking at her reflection in the mirror.

Irina was standing in front of the mirror with a washcloth wiping down the center of her chest, washing away Zamir's germs but the motion suddenly seemed very erotic to Jack.

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