60) Forever And Always... ❤

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Myth, Power, Beauty by, Chevaliers de Sangreal by Hans Zimmer, PM's Love Theme by Craig Armstrong, Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding , Grand Russian Fantasia by Jules Levy, Uf Dem Anger, No 7: Floret/Silva by Carl Orff from Carmina Burana, The Promise by Michael Nyman from The Piano Soundtrack, Fairy Dance by James Newton Howard from Peter Pan Soundtrack, Titanic Dream Scene Music.



Jack, Julian, Sergei and Marcelo were at the bottom of the grand staircase in Alexander Palace on the following morning, dressed immaculately and looking dangerously handsome in their Imperial Military Regalia. Jack was wearing a white jacket, Sergei and Julian in red and Marcelo, in dark blue in accordance to Imperial Court customs.

Vaughn, Weiss and Marshall also in blue as 'honorary' Grand Dukes, at least, until tomorrow's ceremony where it would be made official when Irina, as the Tsar, knighted them with the title at the gala the following evening at the Winter Palace, being the Godfathers of the Tsarevicha Lena.

Everyone else staying at the palace had left already to find their seats along the processional route.

"Oh, wow." Marshall gasped when he looked up to see Sydney, carrying Lena, Sophia and Katya all descending the Grand Staircase in their Coronation gowns made especially for the event in traditional Russian style reminiscent of the Court dresses worn at the last Coronation ceremony almost 100 years before during Nicholas II's crowning.

All of the dresses were the same design with each of them in a different color. Sydney's dress was a vibrant red, Katya's a navy blue, Sophia's a baby blue and Lena's white with gold as Irina's would be. The crushed velvet fabric of their trains made it look like they were floating as they moved down the steps with big beautiful smiles, feeling every bit the part of 'princess' in these gowns. The intricate inlayed gold pattern on each dress sewn by hand with 18 karate gold thread, making them fairly heavy.

"You look…" Vaughn couldn't get the words out as his fiancée glided towards him looking radiant in red. "Stunning. Gorgeous. Take your pick, you're all of the above." He leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek in a gentlemanly fashion.

Weiss's eyes were boggled out of is head looking at Sophia and for quite a few moments didn't say anything but stare.

"Is she almost ready?" Jack asked nervously, feeling his palms already sweating beneath his white gloves in anticipation of seeing Irina.

"We don't know, we haven't seen her yet this morning." Katya smiled nervously, looking up to the balcony for her sister as well.

*Myth, Power, Beauty*

"Here she comes." Sydney smiled excitedly seeing the door to the room open upstairs and her mother's ladies-in-waiting, maids of honor for the day, come out, Irina followed moments later and though they couldn't see her fully yet, knew she looked spectacular.

When she rounded the corner and began her descent, flanked on each side by two attendants and two in the back managing her massive trains, they gasped in awe. Tears immediately flooding to Katya and Sydney's eyes as they met Irina's.

Her gown was simpler in design in accordance with tradition as she would receive numerous regalia as part of the ceremony. The satiny white fabric met the gold thread in a beautiful but humbled design. An enormous golden crushed velvet robe flowed behind her, trimmed with fur that looked like it came straight out of a fairy-tale. Her hair had been curled and was pulled half back and up on the sides in order to accommodate the large crown that would soon be adorning her head. When she reached the bottom of the steps she flashed her mega-watt smile and Jack had to remember to breathe.

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