39) Julian Sark

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Mother of a Mother by Michael Giacchino from the ALIAS soundtrack, 519 Kids by MGMT.



The sound of metal clanking alerted Sark to the fact he had a new visitor, something that was few and far between and he only hoped, it wasn't Sydney Bristow again, come back for another round of abuse.

*Mother of a Mother*

His eyes widened in surprise when Irina came to stand before the bars of his cell, in her dark suit jacket and skirt, her hair pulled up in a loose French twist, arms folded over her chest in a defensive posture while her eyes studied him intensely.

Irina looked incredible and... alive. He'd only recently learned she had survived the Execution when Sydney had finished beating the shit out of him with her rage over the death of her friend. In the end, the two of them had reached some semblance of an understanding over Irina, Francie and Allison.

"Irina." Sark stood slowly from where he'd been sitting cross-legged on his small bunk. "You're alive." The corners of his mouth turned up in a small smile as he cautiously approached her, the relief of seeing her again flooded over his face. The last time he had seen her she was extremely pregnant and in her own glass prison cell, now she stood before him back to her former self, perhaps in better condition and free.

"Hello Julian." She smiled at him in an awkward grin, inspecting the boy she raised in the young man before her, making sure he was 'ok.' She knew that Sydney had worked him over rather good a few days ago when she approached him about her friend. His eyes were both black and a piece of tape over his nose signified she had broken his nose, his arm was in a sling from her dislocating it but other then that he looked to be in good condition. Her daughter had shown some restraint.

After her talk with him, and her Execution, Irina had been told Sark had become the model prisoner. Cooperating in every way possible with the CIA.

"How are you?" She asked truly concerned. She was responsible for his life in this business, and his imprisonment even if he'd been the one making the choices...she'd introduced him to the 'dark-side.'

"Well my accommodations are rather dull and boring," He looked around to the dark grey prison walls and bars in the federal prison he was being held at, used by the CIA. "But I suppose I could do worse." He looked at her with his piercing blue eyes. "The question is, Irina, how are you? I thought you were dead until a few days ago when your daughter informed me otherwise."

"No one told you?" Irina's eyes flashed with a hint of concern that all this time, he believed her to be dead.

"No, the CIA doesn't see fit to inform me of anything. I am just a lowly prisoner after all." He shrugged his eyebrows and felt a twinge of pain course over his face from the bruising. "They only told me about your Execution to taunt me."

"I'm sorry, Julian." Irina stepped closer to the bars, her dark eyes searching his baby blues. "I'm here because I refuse to give up on you." She admitted and saw the immediate surprise he tried to hide over the emotion and concern she was showing for him. "You are too young to have your entire life taken away from you; if I get a second chance at happiness, you deserve one as well. I told you I was not giving up on you."

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