28) Miserable Without You

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by P. Tchaikovsky, Imagine by John Lennon, All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey, Make Someone Happy by Jimmy Durante, Stranger in Moscow by Michael Jackson, Sleep Walk by Santo and Johnny



A couple of hours later after getting ready and then dropping Lena off with the Putins, they were walking up the steps of the famous Bolshoi Apollo Theatre.

They both looked spectacularly beautiful: Irina in a silver form fitting sweating and satin skirt and Sydney, in a one-piece silver dress, with fur shawl, that Irina had waiting for her when they arrived back at the apartment.

They checked their coats and as soon as they stepped foot inside the main foyer, Sydney knew exactly what they were about to see, 'The Nutcracker' performed by none other then the beautiful Moscow Ballet.

"Oh Mom," Sydney linked her arm with Irina, gasping with excitement as they made their way to the best seats in the theatre. "You remembered."

When Sydney was two she began ballet lessons to, 'dance like Mommy,' and had always wanted to see The Nutcrackerperformed by the famous Russian ballerinas.

They were going to go the Christmas Irina had been extracted. And now here they were, in Moscow, in the Bolshoi Apollo Theatre about to watch the most famous ballet in its birthplace.

"Of course." Irina squeezed her hand, leaning her head against Sydney's. "My mother took me when I was a child, and I always wanted to take you. So here we are." She smiled brightly as they took their seats. "I haven't seen The Nutcracker as just a spectator since I was eight. The last time I performed in it, I was sixteen." She couldn't help but giggle at Sydney's eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "I haven't seen it since, so this is exciting for me, too!"

"You danced with the Moscow Ballet?" Sydney said in almost a whisper of awe.

"Yes, for a couple of years." Irina smiled, running her thumb over the back of Sydney's hand in contemplation. "My mother was so disappointed when my life with the KGB took me away from the Theatre Company. She wanted me to be the professional ballerina she was never able to be. Every year at Christmas, before the Revolution, my grandparents would invite the best ballerinas to perform for them in the palace in St. Petersburg. She became obsessed with dancing after watching them. She and her sisters used to run throughout the palaces pretending they were snowflakes or butterflies. She just loved to dance. So did I."

"Do you still dance?" Sydney asked curiously, noting that her mother still walked like a duck, as did she, from their years of doing ballet.

"Yes, of course. I still dance to relax and for strength and flexibility. My ballet training actually helped me to excel in the physical aspects of being a spy. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

"Yes, I do. I can't tell you how many times my training in ballet has helped me to escape death."

"Please, don't tell me that." Irina laughed, shaking her head. "I don't want a reminder of just how much danger my little girl has been in, in her life."

"Mom, I'm pretty good at taking care of myself and getting out of the sticky situations I always seem to find myself in." Sydney mockingly admonished her.

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