48) Hold Me Close

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AN: Music for this chapter : Sorrow by Hans Zimmer and Cut By Plumb.




"What's happening down there?" Vaughn asked seeing the look on Sark and Dixon's faces as they approached them.

"Sloane's dead. Irina gutted him." Dixon spoke softly, disbelieving that it was really over and not quite as happy as he thought he would be with getting revenge. "But Sloane implanted an embryo."

Weiss, Vaughn and Marshall's eyes went wide listening.

"In a sixteen year old girl," Dixon shook his head in disgust knowing the evil man probably purchased her from her family for his sick plan. "She is twelve weeks along, a baby girl." He sighed and swallowed hard thinking about the image of the little feet and thinking about his own daughter and what Irina must be going through, "Irina's aborting the baby now."

"My God." Vaughn said barely above a whisper, finding his mouth dry.

An hour later, it was over and the girl was sedated and sleeping, wrapped in a sheet when Jack carried her to the jeep where everyone was waiting in the dark.

Irina was following them and jumped into the back without making any eye contact as Jack set the beautiful dark haired girl carefully into the back with her. Irina nestled the sleeping girl against her chest again, holding her protectively in her arms.

Jack knew Irina felt responsible and guilty for what she had just put this young woman through and there was no way he was going to be able to change her mind that it wasn't her fault, she had to do it. He jumped in the front and drove away, followed by Vaughn in the other jeep and when they reached the crest of the dune a mile away, Irina pressed the red detonator button in the remote in her hand and the compound exploded into a thunderous ball of fire engulfing the one hundred and twenty-three corpses and evil left inside. She didn't bother looking back as she rested her face against the young girls head.

They switched back to their own jeeps and set off into the early morning hours to meet with Dubey.

Jack saw Dubey's light flashing in the dark three hours later and flicked back "Irina" in Morris Code with his headlights guessing that name wouldn't get them shot at. He pulled the jeep to a stop several feet away from Dubey and jumped out slowly, as did everyone. The pain and bruises starting to settle in from the stiff bumping ride through the desert.

Dubey stood wide-eyed in the dark looking at the battered bodies before him and surprised they had all made it out alive.

"So what's the damage?" He looked to Jack noticing the man's already blackening eyes from apparently getting hit in the face.

"Five gun shot wounds, and one stabbing, two broken fingers, four broken ribs and a plethora of bruises." Jack sighed, helping an injured Weiss from the jeep so they could all take a bathroom break in the sand before moving on.

"You are fortunate to all be alive." Dubey gathered stacks of clothing from the back of his jeep, taking note of everyone and only seeing the back of Irina's head, unmoving in the back of the jeep in the dark.

"Irina?" Dubey moved around the back to see his dark haired beauty and surprised to find the young woman sleeping against her chest.

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