5) Verbal Abbuse

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): The Saddest Song I've Got by Annie Lennox, Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers, Always by Saliva.



"Rina! What are you doing?" Katya scolded as she rushed to her sister's side seeing the fresh blood staining the front of Irina's bandages.

Irina was standing in front of the mirror, trying to get dressed but without the use of her hand the task proved to be more difficult then she thought. The blood seeping through the bandage on her chest, was a testament to the struggle she put up to do it herself. "Katya, I have to get dressed. I can't go to the clinic in my nightgown." She continued to fumble with the shirt stuck on one of the pins sticking out of her hand. "I'll have to get used to this one-hand thing." She smiled trying to break her sister's grimacing face.

"Why didn't you ask me to help you?" Katya sighed frustrated looking over the bandage. Irina crinkled her eyebrow at the question as her only response. "Never mind," Katya shook her head realizing what a stupid question that was to ask; her sister hated asking for help, she was too stubborn. "Sit down, Stubborn." She directed Irina to the edge of the bed, Irina complied too tired to argue and she knew she needed help. Katya retrieved a fresh package of gauze pads and bandages, kneeled down in front of Irina and set to work to repair the damage her sister had done to herself while dressing. "You have to be more careful," She looked up, meeting Irina's eyes, "You tore a couple stitches and that will only lead to infection... and an ugly scar."

"Yes, wouldn't want another ugly scar." Irina laughed softly in a mocking tone then grabbed her side grimacing in pain. "Ooo... don't make me laugh." She smiled lightly to her sister.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Katya asked as she finished buttoning Irina's shirt.

"Yes! I can't stand to be in this room or that bed any longer. I have to get out for awhile, and besides... I can't wait any longer to see the baby." Irina gently rested her hand on her abdomen, smiling. "Let's go."

"Looks like you're healing well." Alexei smiled as he finished listening to Irina's lungs. "What are these scars from?" He asked pointing to three, moon shaped scars on Irina's chest. "They're not what I think they are from are they?" He narrowed his eyes at her, wondering if she hadn't told him about another previous episode that required them to start her heart again.

"I had a bug." Irina smiled trying to pass off the burn scars the electric paddles had left, as nothing. "He forgot to use gel." Irina remembered the mad dash in Germany to loose the tracker signal.

Alexei shook his head, not surprised by anything she told him anymore. Irina sat nervously on the edge of the examining table. She had always disliked the doctor's office, well not always...only since Kashmir.

"Your sister is taking good care of you." Alexei smiled and glanced back at Katya occupying a small chair in the corner of the room.

"Yes, she is." Irina smiled at her sister. "And patient... as I am not the easiest person to deal with."

"Ready to have a look at your baby?" Alexei pulled the sonogram machine closer to the examining table. Irina nodded, feeling nervous and afraid to speak. He helped her to lie back on the table. "I won't forget the gel." He smiled teasing her a little while squirting the green gel on her abdomen, careful of the stitches there.

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