11) I Surrender

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AN: Music for this Chapter (on repeat): I Surrender by Celine Dion, All Water by Perfume Genius, Clair de Lune by Claude DeBussy, What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong, Goodbyes By Celine Dion



"That's impossible." Vaughn grabbed the photo from Sydney's hand; all color leaving his face the moment he saw his own reflection staring back, holding a very beautiful, very young, Irina Derevko in his arms. His mind once again going into denial mode at the implications this suggested. "It can't be him. It's just impossible." He shoved the photo back at Sydney angrily and began pacing the floor.

"Vaughn, he looks just like you." Sydney passed the photo to Jack, who took a seat on the bed next to her.

"No! It's impossible Sydney. That photo was taken in Russia on October 1st, 1970...this man died escaping a KGB prison camp...my father" He stumbled to find his words, "She killed my father!" His voice starting to waiver with his anger and the emotions he was desperately trying to control. His reaction bringing tears to Sydney's eyes at seeing Vaughn so upset, knowing what 'this' felt like.

"Vaughn...looks aside...think about it. Mikhail Vontonavich... Michael Vaughn," She stood going to his side, "Vaughn, it's practically the same. And my mother's reaction to you...saving your life."

He turned away from her but she grabbed his arm, refusing to let him go. "Vaughn please... think about it. I know it doesn't all make sense but it explains Katya's comment...Vaughn, she said you looked just like your father... How else would she know that unless she knew him?"

Jack looked helplessly at the photo in his hand, feeling once again as though his world was blowing up in front of him. He didn't know how many more 'revelations' into Irina's life he could take without having a heart attack. "Vaughn, I met your father for the first time in December of 1970 at Langley when we had a special training session. The man I met that day..." Jack swallowed looking up to meet Vaughn's eyes. "Is the same man in this photograph."

"No. It can't be him... My father was murdered by, 'your' mother, when I was eight years old. I've seen the records, I went to his funeral!" Vaughn pulled away from Sydney.

"And I went to my mother's!" She shouted back.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Vaughn, if the KGB could fake my mother's death... they could've faked your father's."

"You're suggesting my father was KGB... a double agent? That's ridiculous."

"It's possible..."

"No! He was not a traitor. My father was an honorable man. A good husband... a loving father... he would do anything for us."

"And my mother was a good wife and loving mother who 'did do everything for us'... but she was still a spy for the KGB. Think about it... there was never really any explanation given as to 'why' my mother would kill your father other then the fact she was KGB and he was CIA."

Vaughn felt the tears brimming in his eyes, resignation finally setting in. "But the orders to kill him are in her file." He sighed and sat heavily in the chair next to the bed.

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