42) Funny Incident

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Music for this chapter (on repeat): Drive by Melissa Ferrick, The Love Theme by Nino Rota from The Godfather Soundtrack



Monday morning came and went with another busy day of pouring over Intel and lots of talk about the fantastically beautiful wedding and bride, Jack and Irina were making eyes at each other all day, still lost in their own world. Devlin had been correct in his assessment and now everyone saw what he'd meant. Finding Sloane's gift and card waiting for them only incensed their anger and more determined to find him.

Jack, Irina, Sark and Lena had been home about a half hour when Irina approached Sark, with the baby. He still hadn't held her. Sark had tried resisting, more terrified to hold the baby then to carry a nuclear weapon but Irina won and now Lena was snuggled against his chest sleeping and sucking rapidly on her pacifier.

"See...it's not so bad, is it?" Irina's eyes danced with light as she smiled broadly at him, seeing his posture relax, holding the baby protectively and carefully to him.

"No, it isn't I guess. She is just so small...I am afraid if I move from this spot I will drop her." His eyes wide with worry and Irina chuckled.

"You won't drop her, I promise. Not with the way you are holding her...she's very safe." She smiled reaching out to run her hand over her baby's head. "See how relaxed she is with you already?"

Sark's eyes looked down over the baby and watched her little arms go limp when she went into a deep sleep.

"Are you ok with her?" Irina stood from where they were sitting on the couch, looking down at the both of them smiling.

"Yes...why?" His face immediately flashing with panic when he saw her reaching for her purse. "Where are you going?"

"Jack and I need to run to the store for a little bit, to pick up some things for dinner tonight. We'll only be gone 30 minutes at the most...Can you handle that?" She tried not laughing at how terrified he was to be left alone with a baby.

The store would take ten minutes...their 'drive' in the car would be a quick one.

"What if she wakes up? What if she's hungry? What if she needs to be changed?" His mouth fired off rapid questions. 'How could Irina trust him to be alone with this child? Her most precious baby? One she rarely put down or let out of her sight! She must be testing him...'

"She should sleep for at least an hour, I just fed her and changed her. You shouldn't have to do a thing...except watch her." She leaned over and kissed Lena's head and caught Sark's eyes. Kissing his cheek quickly adding, "I trust you Julian." She smiled, speaking in her 'motherly tone' again that he was not used to. He nodded 'ok.'"Sydney and Michael will be joining us for dinner." She paused by the door, waiting for Jack to meet her there. "They could be here anytime...If you need anything before they get here, call my cell 'ok?" Irina flashed him another brilliant smile as Jack eyed him on the couch, and Sark swallowed hard. "Bye..."

'This may be the toughest assignment Irina had ever given him.' He sat perfectly still for at least five minutes, watching the small bundle rise and fall with his chest and marveled at her size.

Her little ears, her long eyelashes like her mother, her perfect little nose, and tiny hands, her feet that were no longer then his smallest finger and that's when he realized why he was so terrified of her...she was easily breakable and he felt himself tense. Lena noticed and scrunched her eyebrows, digging her face against his shirt and Sark froze, hoping she wouldn't wake up.

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