8) Mother & Daughter

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AN: Music this chapter (on repeat): When Somebody Loved Me by Sarah McLaclan from the Toy Story Two Soundtrack,Warning Sign by Coldplay, Samba de Orlyby Bebel Gilberto from the Rio Soundtrack



"Sydney, are you certain about this?" The doctor asked sticking the last electrode to her temple.

"Yes, I want to remember this." Remembering her mother's talk about needs and wants and the difference, "I need to remember this." Deciding this simply wasn't a want, but a crucial piece of information that would have undoubtedly remained with her had her father not erased them.

"Ok, listen to the sound of my voice." The doctor started the process as Vaughn watched from the booth.

Jack opened the door, to Vaughn's surprise. He'd heard Sydney had headed this way and was worried. He said nothing, simply nodded his head in recognition and stood beside the younger man.

*When Somebody Loved Me*

"You're six years old... it's November and you have just been told by your daddy that your mommy died in a car accident. Do you remember?"

"Yes..." Sydney began crying at seeing herself. "I am sitting on my father's lap in our living room, a plate of cookies is on the table, I am crying... Dad just told me Mom died...she was never coming home..." She began crying harder.

Jack felt the anger rising in him again at the pain his daughter went through.

"Sydney, you are ok. Your mom didn't die; she is still alive...this is just a flashback to a memory. Now...can you remember back a couple of days...your daddy has just left on a business trip and you are at home with your mommy. What are you doing?"

Sydney began smiling. "I am sitting on the counter in front of my mother. We are making cookies, and reading Cinderella while we wait. We always make cookies when Daddy leaves on trips." She started laughing.

"What is so funny, Sydney?"

"I just put frosting on Mommy's nose. She laughed and put frosting on mine and now we are giving each other Eskimo nose kisses of frosting. We are laughing. She is so happy, smiling."

Even after today, Vaughn still had trouble envisioning Irina Derevko as a loving mother with 'frosted noses and Eskimo kisses,' that sounded more like his mother. He was especially having trouble with the image as this was around the same time Irina had killed his father and the other agents.

"She wipes the frosting off our noses and keeps reading. I love to hear her read to me." Sydney smiled again, "I just told her she was the most beautiful princess of all... She looks at me startled, and then laughs, smothering me in kisses. We start laughing again and I try to tickle her, but she tickles me...pulling me off the counter onto the floor."

A laughing Sydney makes Vaughn smile and Jack sad; he remembered times like this but had tried to forget them all. Convincing him self she was never a real mother, never loved Sydney...for so many years he'd believed this.

"I beg her to stop, and she does. I just jumped on her ambushing her with the tickles. I am sitting on her, making her beg to stop...she finally gives in." Sydney's face was suddenly a mixture of happy and sadness.

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