58) No Need To Say Goodbye

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 AN: Music for this chapter: The Call By Regina Spektor and TVD Score Elena Lives John Dies.



The following morning, the agents, minus Irina, plus Sark made their way into the JTTF center to begin their' debrief of the events in Russia and Kashmir.

Everyone was ecstatic to see Sydney alive and fairly unscathed though she remained bruised and on crutches. They all asked how she was recovering and how Irina and Lena were doing, a bit of disappointment ringing through their tone that the two hadn't come with them today.

Kendall pulled Jack into his office in the middle of the afternoon to see how he was doing, how Irina and the baby were doing and how everyone was holding up.

"So it's finally over." Kendall cocked his head at Jack, leaning back in his big leather chair staring at the Agent from across his big desk. "I guess this means, with the threats out of the way, you will be retiring from the Agency now?"

Jack nodded in response to Kendall's statement, having talked about it before and now faced with the reality.

"Sydney and Vaughn as well." He added quietly.

"I figured as much." Kendall smirked, folding his hands in front of his face.

"I never wanted her in this life. She's done more than enough for this country, its time for her to live her life for her." Jack looked beyond the glass walls to where his daughter sat in a chair laughing as she watched Weiss clowning around with her crutches.

"I agree. She will be sorely missed. You all will. I just can't imagine the CIA without the three of you." Kendall admitted with a soft smile, he and Jack finally finding common ground over the last couple of years. "You're not going to go join the SVR now or tell them all our secrets now are you, Jack?" Kendall joked with him.

"No." Jack chuckled shaking his head with a smile at how ironic the whole situation was. "Irina is the ruling force…I'm just there to stand by her side, be there for her when she needs me to. Be her husband again. That's all I want. If she's happy, the girls are happy…then I'm happy doing whatever."

"It's all…very surreal." Kendall finally broke into wide smile, chuckling with Jack and whirling to face him in his chair. "Jack Bristow as the Emperor of Russia."

Jack's eyebrows suddenly knit together at hearing his soon to be title for the first time, only having thought about Irina's and the girls before now.

"In title only, like I said, I'm there to support my wife. She's the one the people want, I just came along with the package." His mouth turned up into a big smile and laughed, as did Kendall.

"So when do you have to return to Russia for the Coronation preparations?" Kendall, stopped laughing but still smiled.

"Easter. Irina is cutting the ribbon at the First Annual Peterhof Easter Egg Hunt." Jack smiled wider and chuckled again, thinking about what his life was going to be like from here on out. "Ten thousand kids and over two hundred thousand Easter Eggs."

"Irina Derevko and Easter Egg Hunts." Kendall shook his head in disbelief as he chuckled. "She will never cease to amaze me."

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