57) Love Can Heal The Pain

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AN: Music for the chapter (on repeat): I Surrender by Celion Dion, The Vampire Diaries Passion And Danger Score , Small Measure Of Peace By Hans Zimmer.

"Sweetheart." Irina smiled warmly at seeing Sydney's face and reached her hand out to Sydney, grasping at her long fingers. "Are you okay?" Her eyes immediately started scanning her child's body, taking in the injuries.

"Yes, Mom. I'm okay. Nothing wrong, that can't be fixed in time." Sydney smiled softly at Irina with tears in her eyes, taking in her mother's form once more, taking stock of her injuries now brought to life that she was awake. Her bruises more pronounced and ugly as they settled in over the last few days leaving a horrendous map of Cuvee's brutality prominently displayed over her mother's body. "How are you feeling?" She took Irina's hand in both of hers, careful of her bandaged wrist. She knew that internally, like herself, her mother was a mess but keeping it locked tightly away in a compartment right now knowing this wasn't the time or place to let it go.

Looking into her daughter's eyes, Irina saw the familiar haunting that had plagued her own eyes for decades following her first trip to Kashmir and her heart shattered all over again at seeing the lasting affects that Sydney was studiously trying to ignore, and compartmentalize as she was doing.

"Sydney, I'm so sorry..." She cried softly, clinging desperately to her daughter's hand, her body trembling. "I'll never forgive myself for bringing you into that mess."

"Mom," Sydney interrupted immediately, her voice catching in her throat overcome with emotion as the tears fell, "You have nothing to feel guilty about. None of this was your fault. You had no control over what happened and you did everything in your power to try and protect Lena and I. I can't tell you how much that means to me; how much I love you. How proud I am to be your daughter, Mom." Sydney cried, sniffling as her nose began to run looking into her mother's eyes, remembering looking into those eyes so many times over the last few days when they fought together to stay alive. Looking into those eyes while her mother endured the physical torture she was saving her from. "You're an amazing mother. I just wish you could see that. See what we see." Sydney gave her a small smile through her tears and Irina's heart continued to fall to pieces with a mix of emotions. "You saved us, Mom. All of us. You made the choice that saved Lena's life and then you saved my life, multiple times... pushing yourself physically beyond your limits again and again to ensure my safety. And look at me, Mom," She paused, gesturing towards her body, which was remarkably intact and fairly unscathed for what they'd been through.

The ugly bruises and cuts, her concussion and her mangled foot were the most severe of her injuries, which could have been much worse if Irina hadn't have held back on her screams as long as she did and then eventually passing out, ending the game.

"You got me out of there pretty much unscathed. You took all the physical torture for me, to keep me safe by keeping his attention on you," Sydney sobbed, trying to control herself the best she could and get through this. "I hated that you were doing that. That you wouldn't scream and let me take some of the torture from you-"

"Sydney," Irina gasped, not knowing if she could hear anymore without losing her tightly controlled emotions.

"I know why you were doing it. Because you love me and I bore witness to just how much over this last week. What you endured for me." Sydney forged on quietly, seeing her mother crying silently as well. "I love you more and more than I ever thought possible and after going through this with you, I feel closer to you than ever." Her blurry brown eyes sought out her mother's. "You're my mother, my protector...my best friend. You have nothing to be sorry for, Mom. You have to stop punishing yourself for the past and for things that were out of your control." Sydney knew that her mother was continually punishing herself for what had happened in the past, refusing to forgive herself and the things that were out of her control.

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