29) Deep Confessions

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AN: Music for this Chapter (on repeat of course): La noyee from Amelie Soundtrack, A Time for Us by Nino Rota from the Romeo & Juliet Soundtrack (piano version: you can find a lovely perfect version- on Youtube by Modela45 for FREE!), Lovesong by Adele, Fade Into You by Mazzy Star



*La noyee *

When Sydney stepped outside, the sun had already set for the evening as the winter sun always does and she smiled warmly at being in Paris, none mission related.

She found a taxi and delivered the address Vaughn had given her in flawless French, watching the spectacular city fly by outside her window as the driver maneuvered the streets with ease.

She couldn't wait to see Vaughn, surprising him with her early arrival was sure to bring a smile to his lips as she greeted him with a kiss. Meeting his mother was both terrifying and exhilarating after all this time.

When the driver pulled up in front of the beautiful home was in awe, it was perfect. She retrieved her luggage, thanked the driver and let out a big sigh as she walked up the front walkway and then the steps, ringing the bell.

She heard a woman's voice on the other side saying to someone in French, "I'll get it!"

The door suddenly opened and a incredibly beautiful blonde woman stood before Sydney, smiling radiantly as soon as she saw Sydney.

"Michael!" She called behind her, still looking at Sydney, "I believe your Sydney has arrived!" She smiled again then ushered Sydney into the door, "Come in, come in." She switched to English with a very charming accent. "I am Amelie, you can call me, Bella...I am Michael's mother and you must be his Sydney." She kissed both of Sydney's cheeks just as Vaughn entered the room, enormous smile on his face.
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"And you." Sydney switched back to French.

"I see that my two favorite women have finally met." He replied smoothly in French as he went to hug Sydney. "You're early." He kissed her quickly, taking her bag.

"I got an earlier flight. You'll never guess who I ran into at the airport just after landing." She smiled with a light laugh shaking her head thinking about her father's appearance.

"Who?" Vaughn was curious as this was Paris, suddenly thinking it was someone they'd worked with.

"My father." She shook her head 'yes' at Vaughn's surprise.

"Your father is in Paris?" Bella asked just as confused, "Where is he now?"

"Jack is in Paris? Why?" Vaughn guided Sydney into the living room as they followed his mother. An immaculate room decorated for the Christmas season in blues, whites and dark greens.

"Because he's miserable without my Mom so he's flying to St. Petersburg now...He couldn't wait until Monday." She laughed, "You should have seen him Vaughn. He was so disheveled looking, I was having a hard time not laughing at him."

Absolution- Alias FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora