outsider:-: e

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There she was, the beautiful shy girl. Who always had her head in a book never looking up. She was just so beautiful, her blue eyes and dark hair that went all the way up to her chest. I, on the other hand, was popular and if I was ever to be seen talking to her, I would get so much hate and lose a couple of friends. I want to get to know her, what is she like?

I was walking out of the lunch room and went walking to my locker to get my books. The hallway was empty, until I see her, Amanda, her glasses almost falling off from her head too bent over from reading the book. She was cornered sitting on the floor, god she was beautiful. Why wouldn't anyone talk to her, she was so pretty, she was literally sent from the gods. I thought this would be the perfect time to talk to her without anyone being suspicious.

I walk up to her with my footsteps echoing through the halls. She still looks focused on her book.

"Hey, Amanda right?" I said pretending not to know her already.

"Yea" she said quietly looking down, why wasn't she making eye contact.

"Look at me." I said as softly as I could.

She looked up her blue eyes staring at me and her blushing. I love it when she blushes. I smile at her curiousness.

"There we go. So what book you reading." I ask sitting on the floor beside her. I could tell she was uncomfortable by the way she shifted a little. She probably never had a boy talk to her.

"matilda." She said quietly looking down. God she's so pure and innocent.

"I love matilda." I said. I actually read matilda. Her head jerked up and her face lit up.

"Really?" She said lifting her glasses up a little bit. God she's so cute.

"really. About read it a million times, the movie as well." I said smiling seeing her smile.

"I read it and I love it, but the movie is kinda out of place." She said.

"I know right, its like the scenes are all over the place and the actors are kinda whack." I said facing her fully.

"Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one who thought that. Thank god someone understands it." She said chuckling a little bit.

I laughed a little. And saw her face calm down a little bit and slowly turn shy again.

"uhm." She said looking at the floor. What happened, she was smiling a minute ago.

"I — " I got interrupted when the bell rang.

"I should go, mhm see you around." She said quickly gathering stuff and walking away.

I sighed and got up and went to class.

I had technology, I sat down in my seat and 5 minutes into the class Amanda walks in looks around awkwardly looking for her seat.

"Why so late Mrs. Smith." The substitute said. The sub was hall monitor Helen.

"I'm sorry I— uhm— my books fell." She said looking at the floor. Why is she so shy?

"Make sure it doesn't happen again asshole." Hall monitor said rudely.

She nodded and walked to her seat in the back with me. She sat next to me with her head still down and her hair hiding her face. I stared at her and when she pulled a strand of her hair back I saw a fresh bruise and scar on her cheek. My eyes widened and anger went through me. Who would hurt her? Who would dare?! She saw me staring and looked at me and she sighed and looked down again. She looked so defeated and broken. Why is she like this?

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