Gone :-: e

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Ethan was rummaging through his disks when he found a disk labeled 'for ethan'.
Ethan made a confused look but then shrugged and put the disk on his laptop and a black screen popped up signaling him to press play.

Ethan sat down wrapped himself in his blankets before pressing play immediately being met with your face making his heart drop.

You then began to speak into the camera...

'Hey eth, I Uhm, if your watching this, without me it means that I'm gone. I don't want to say the word and I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear the word. But the past few years have been amazing because of you and a lot has happened because of you like... happiness, freedom, loyalty, all of the good things basically because I'm illiterate. But on a serious note, it's not called rising in love because you never really know what love is until you feel it, that's because it's called falling in love, because your falling for someone who's just as happy to be with you as you are. I explained that so bad..." you chuckled making Ethan choke out a sob then a smile.

'Anyways, do you remember when you said I love you like 24/7 and I used to say 'your annoying' and I regret it because I never said I love you too because I just thought it was stupid but I realized I never said it enough. I didn't think it was necessary. Cause I always just thought you knew, that I loved you. But I'm here to say it now... I love you Ethan Dolan. In love with Ethan Dolan. Yup. Me. In love. Shocking but true.' Y/n ended with a smile. But Ethan couldn't help but cry harder.

Ethan cried uncontrollably, not being able to catch a breath.

'I love you and I will love you in another life. Bye, Ethan.'

The video ended with their favorite song which was 'stand by me'

Ethan shut the laptop off and curled up into a ball just crying so much it hurt his lungs from the wails.

You died in a car crash, heading to Ethan's apartment to celebrate your anniversary. You didn't make it to the hospital and died on impact.

The worst day of Ethan's life.

Since that day he hasn't been able to keep a smile, only for videos.

Ethan visited you at the hospital and once he saw your lifeless body he felt his heart drop and the tears well up and broke down, then fell to the floor feeling the physical pain and the mental block.

Grayson tried his best to cheer him up by getting him a bunch of gifts but Ethan still wasn't happy, he wanted you and now your were gone.

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