See you in there :-: e

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Ethan smashed the beer bottle onto the older mans head. Ethan was in bar currently battling his anger issues.

The manager of the place quickly hid behind the drinks and dialed 911.

Ethan and the older man were now throwing punches and kicks at each other non stop saying curse words like they were getting road rage.

Once Ethan left the man unconscious on the ground with blood on his hands and shirt and a busted face the police came in and arrested him.

Ethan was now pressed up against the police car as the police officer searched his pockets.

"Ooh 18 and drinking. That's a bad sign." The officer said and forced Ethan in the back of the cop car.

Ethan was still drunk but was still disappointed in himself.

The cops already called his brother saying what he did and Grayson just hung up and sighed thinking 'this again'. Grayson grabbed his wallet ready to bail Ethan out. Again. But he didn't have his car so he had to walk....

As Grayson walked into an sketchy neighborhood which he felt like he was being watched, Ethan was handcuffed to one of the chairs at the station.

Since it was 3:00 in the morning almost no one was at the station.

Then Ethan heard boots walking against the hard floors. He looked up and saw a girl about his age covered in blood and scratches on her white shirt. But her leather jacket was in perfect condition.

Ethan thought she was beautiful and gorgeous, but looked like she lived in an abandoned house.

The police officer then plopped her down the seat next to Ethan.

Ethan noticed something. She didn't look frightened or shooken up. She looked.... proud.

The girl noticed him looking and smirked "what are you in here for, handsome." She said smoothly that made Ethan shake a little in... pleasure?

Ethan played it cool and answered "got in a fight. What about you?"

The girl smirked widely before saying "murder. Almost just as bad."

Ethan gasped a little that made the girl laugh. Ethan was scared. How can a girl that looks like that, be capable of something like... murder?

"I'm y/n. What's your name?" She said with a normal smile.

Ethan cracked a smile but immediately dropped it when he comprehended what they were both doing here.

"Ethan." He stated bluntly and stared into her eyes.

"Well Ethan. Sorry to cut our conversation short but I'm afraid I have to go. Hope I see you in there though." Y/n smirked devishly.

See you in there?

After a couple of hours Ethan noticed that Grayson was not here yet to bail him out.

Then the officer that arrested Ethan came back with his hat off and against his chest.

"Ethan Dolan. I regret to inform you that your brother, Grayson Dolan, has been murdered. We believe it happened a couple hours before you came in. We don't know who did it but we do know that they are in this facility. We are sorry for your loss, but since this isn't he first time you have been arrested we have no choice but to lock you up." The officer spoke.

Ethan's heart immediately broke into millions of pieces. He felt empty, without Grayson he felt like he had no reason to live anymore.

Tears rolled down Ethan eyes as the officer locked him in a cell.

Ethan didn't look up still crying.

Until Ethan started to think, Grayson was killed before he got here, Grayson was murdered, Wait. "Murder. Almost just as bad." The only person that was in the police station was... y/n.

"Finally figured it out." Ethan heard a familiar pleasing voice say.

Ethan looked up and saw y/n.

In the same cell.

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