Amends :-: g

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"She died!" Sam cried and threw her hands up in frustration.

I rolled my eyes "I'm sorry I didn't call the ambulance."

Sam then punched my jaw making me stumble back and knock her out before walking away.

"Bitch." I mumbled and walked back to the apartment.

I look down at my crippled list and saw that I had one person left.

Grayson Dolan.

I sigh and run to his house which is near the Hollywood hills.

Rich people.


Y/n knocked on the door then stood waiting for a response.

"I'll get it." Grayson yelled to Ethan who was t paying attention due to Fortnite.

Grayson opened the door to be met with his past lover.


Grayson felt butterflies arrive in his stomach and his cheeks blush. She was beautiful as ever.

"Kill anybody?" Was all Grayson could say not knowing what else to say.

Y/n chuckled and rubbed her eyes saying "uh no not uh yet."

Grayson smiled and stared at her beauty.

"What happened?" Grayson gently grabbed her wrist pulling her inside.

"I Uh wanted to say sorry." Y/n turned to face Grayson.

"What?" Grayson said confused.

"I'm sorry I left without an explanation, I owed you one. So if you want one I'll give you it, but I'm just sorry." Y/n sighed and leaned against the wall with her hands in her front pocket.

"I don't need an explanation, I know what happened. I'm a detective." Grayson winked playfully and smiled relieving some of y/n's stress.

"Thanks gray." Y/n smiled.

Grayson always adored her smile. It was the one thing that could make his shitty day better.

Grayson missed her destructiveness and how she never gave a fuck. Yea she did some bad things but she never got caught or found some way to turn it on them.

"Want to—" Grayson was cut off by his twin.

"Y/n?" Ethan asked from behind her seeing her all black clothing and familiar hair.

Y/n turned around seeing the twin she called her best friend.

"Hey e." Y/n was excited but like always acted cool and said it like she saw him yesterday.

"Hey." Ethan smiled walking up to her and embraced her in a hug.

Y/n smiled and hugged him softly not ever really hugging someone tightly before.

"I missed you." Ethan said gingerly.

"Me too, eth." Y/n smiled and turned back to Grayson.

"I wanted a hug." Grayson said under his breath not expecting anyone to hear him.

Y/n scoffed but laughed and hugged Grayson but Grayson hugged her much tighter.

"You look like hell." Grayson chuckled.

"I just got back." I retorted.

Ethan and Grayson chuckled before Grayson began to speak "so why are you still alive?"

I know he didn't mean it in a bad way. He meant why have I not been killed yet since I have so many people who want to kill me... type thing.

"Don't know. I just went around the whole state making amends and half of them punched me across the face." Y/n said with a sigh.

"Amends?" Grayson raised his eyebrows.

"Yup tried to make peace with the world, but the world is a piece of shit." Y/n groaned and rubbed her face.

"Well consider me the first one to forgive you." Grayson smiled.

"Thanks gray." Y/n smiled back.

Grayson nodded and then asked "wanna go out? I know a great pizza place."

"Sounds awesome!" Ethan said.

Grayson and Y/n gave him a look then Ethan said "oooooooohhhhh ok. See ya."

Y/n nodded and followed Grayson out to his car.

The whole day they talked and laughed and Grayson fell in love with you all over again.

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