Exposed :-: g

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"I love you." Grayson smiled then leaned down and started kissing y/n as passionately as he could. Y/n obviously kissed him equally.

"Alright guys, Grayson has been lazy lately so I'm going to teach him a lesson." Ethan said to the camera and showed him filling a plastic cup of water. Ethan made the shush gesture to the camera and then turned the camera around to Grayson's door.

Ethan opened the door and saw Grayson on top of something but Ethan didn't think about it and threw the water on Grayson making Grayson jump up and reveal you. Ethan immediately stopped the video and saved it quickly sending it to Grayson and putting it back in his pocket.

"Shit y/n. I didn't see you there." Ethan smiled nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"It's fine, eth." Y/n sighed and got up while Grayson took off his shirt.

"I saw Grayson on top of something but I like didn't question it because I thought you were out." Ethan smiled and sat on the edge of the bed.

Y/n and Grayson just stared at Ethan with blank faces.

"What?" Ethan said with another smile.

"Get out!" Grayson yelled at Ethan and then Ethan caught on.

"Ooohhhhhh. You guys want some alone time. Oooooooooo." Ethan teased and then got out of the room.

Grayson then looked at y/n with a smirk and pushed her down on the bed kissing her and her body...

"I never get bored of our sex." Grayson breathed out and pulled the covers up.

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and laid her head on Grayson's chest. Grayson heard his phone going off, he grabbed his phone going on twitter and his eyes immediately widened.

Ethan Dolan's Snapchat story reveals Grayson on top of a figure to what we believe is kissing! Soon after it shows a girl in that spot! Grayson Dolan has a girlfriend?! #GraysonDolansGirlfriend

"Holy fuck." Grayson said and then went on Snapchat seeing Ethan's post.

"That fucking idiot." Grayson said and got up putting on boxers and pants.

"What happened?" Y/n asked and cuddled up into a pillow.

"Ethan fucking Dolan happened." Grayson said and kissed y/n's forehead before stomping to Ethan's room.

Grayson barged through his door and saw Ethan sleeping peacefully.

"Wake the fuck up!!" Grayson yelled making Ethan jump up in shock.

"What What What?" Ethan said panicking.

"Delete it!" Grayson raged.

"Delete What?" Ethan said still in a sleepy state.

"Look at your fucking Snapchat story and DELETE IT!" Grayson fumed.

Grayson was going to announce his girlfriend at his time but he hates to think this but in that Snapchat it looks like they were just a meaningless hookup. And it wasn't. Y/n is a really cool girl and Grayson doesn't want her to be seen like a hoe or anything. Grayson loves y/n.

Ethan slowly and patiently went on his phone and his eyes widened when he saw his last post.

"Oh." Ethan dragged out shortly.

"Yea! Why did you post it!" Grayson continued.

"I didn't know I did I just sent it to you." Ethan said moving his hands around.

"Well you didn't. Whatever it's out now. God what do I do?" Grayson said now frustrated.

"Well just say on your Snapchat you have a girlfriend it's already out there." Ethan shrugged.

"Yea but what about the fans. They don't like us having girlfriends besides I don't want hate on y/n." Grayson ran his hands through his hair.

"Well if they were our fans they would be happy for you and not hate on y/n. If they want to see us happy and y/n is what makes you happy. Then they should be happy." (And that's the tea...) Ethan said truthfully.

Grayson nodded and gave Ethan the finger before going back to his room and plopping down next to y/n to see her in one of Grayson's huge sweaters.

"You know right?" Grayson said and laid down next to y/n.

"Yea. What are you going to do?" Y/n said.

"Announce to the whole world about my amazing girlfriend." Grayson smiled and brushed a piece of y/n's hair out of her face.

"Ok." Y/n smiled wider and hugged Grayson tightly.

Grayson chuckled and took out his phone and pressed record...

"So this is my girlfriend, y/n. She's amazing and I love her with everything I have in me and if you guys don't like her. That's you. But I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her. Bye guys." Grayson said all while pointing the camera at him and you hugging his sides.

He posted it and now waited for all the responses.

"I love you." Grayson said and kissed y/n's forehead.

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