Fair :-: g

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"What if I don't wanna go?" I said to my friend, Cole.

"Your going to have to ok? Ok." Cold sighed and threw me my jacket.

I put on the black leather jacket and walked out to the car with him.

We drove to the fair and got out and got our tickets.

"So what are we going to do—" I stopped myself as I noticed Cole was gone.

I look around and saw him off with Betty.

Of course.

I sighed and thought 'I'm not going to waste my money'

I'm going to waste my money.

I went to the little stand where they were selling food, I ordered a coke and blue cotton candy. I waited as the man made it.

"Oh can you make the cotton candy like a darker blue if possible?" I said.

The man nodded and smile.

"Here you go, missy." He handed me the coke and the dark blue cotton candy.

"Thank you so much, have a nice day." I smiled and walked away.

I then sat down on one of the chairs of a game booth thin. And just got fat.


I was walking around with Ethan not knowing what to do since we just did basically everything at the fair.

I was walking when I saw a girl all alone sitting at one of the games eating the darkest shade of cotton candy and a coke.

She was beautiful.

"Woah." I breathed out.

"What?" I heard Ethan say.

I pointed at the girl.

"Woah." Ethan copied me.

"Aye woah no! I'm gonna get the girl." I took off before he could say anything.

I can't just walk up to her.

I have to impress her.

I paid the man working the booth and he then gave me three darts.

I felt her staring at me so I smirked and tried to act cool.

I hit all three balloons on all three darts!



What if she has a boyfriend?

Will she think I'm weird?


I walked up to her and said "I'm Grayson, you here alone?"

She looked at me in the eyes which made me weak at the knees.

"Yea got ditched." She smiled and scoffed.

Her smile.


"What?" She giggled.

"I said that out loud?" Did I just really—

"Yea you did." She took a sip of her drink.

"I just thought your smile was amazing." I smiled down at her.

She got up out of her seat and was way taller than she looked not as tall as me though.

"Here." I gave her the huge stuffed bear and she accepted it and smiled at me.

"Want to go on some rides with me?" I asked a bit nervous.

"I would love to." She smiled.

"Let's go..." I trailed off.

I didn't even get her name.

"Y/n" She laughed at my reaction.

"Well lets go on some rides, y/n" I smiled down at her.

"If I throw up blue, it's going to be on you." She gestured to the blue cotton candy.

I laughed and held her hand which we both blushed at...

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