Grocery store :-: e

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I put on my black tank top and grey sweatpants and Gucci slides and blasted out the door.

I got in my car and put on my Spotify music, jamming out and singing loudly to the songs while I was driving to the grocery store.

I finally got to the store and it was 10:00 of course no one would be inside the store. It's so late!

I grabbed a cart and started to get on it pushing myself while humming random things.

I went to the Ice cream isle and was going to open the refrigerator door when a hand grabbed the handle the same time as me.

I look up and see a LITERAL FUCKING GOD!! His jawline. His hair. His lips. His eyes.


"Holy shit." I said out loud as I saw his face.

He chuckled and opened the fridge "you look attractive as well by the way." He said smoothly as he looked at me up and down.

"I-uh- love spaghet" I stuttered and I face palmed myself for saying that I love spaghetti.

I do love spaghetti though.


He laughed and put ice cream in his cart.

I snapped out of it and grabbed ice cream too.

"I'm Ethan." The boy said and put his hand out.

"Y/n" I said and shook his hand.

He stared at me for a little while longer before I said something that I quickly regretted "so you come here often?" I chuckled nervously.

I facepalmed myself and cringed at my own pick up line.

He laughed with me.

"I'm sorry I'm cringe. I gotta blast haha yeet." I said once again I cringed at my own self.

"Wait no don't leave. Your funny." Ethan complimented and smiled.

"I am? Haha nah man, I'm just cringe." I said and let out a laugh.

He laughed too before saying "Can I have your number?"

I gasped very loudly which he laughed at and I said "you want my number? I never got a guys number. I only have my dads phone number. *gasp* are you sure you want my number? Where are the cameras I'm being punk'd" I ranted and looked around us.

He laughed loudly before shaking his head and smiling "I actually want your number your funny and pretty. I really want it."

I smiled from ear to ear and nodded tuning red.

He handed me his phone and I put my phone number in and putting my name as a contact.

I handed his phone back and he smiled down at it.

"Thanks, I gotta go but I hope I see you again very soon." I smiled and started to walk away.

"Wait your cart!" Ethan said.

I turned around and made an annoyed face making him laugh and I grabbed the cart moving away gracefully and he chuckled.

I grabbed a lotta food and went to the cashier to pay for it.

Once I did that I went outside and opened my back trunk thing and opened it.

My phone vibrated from my butt, Someone was calling me...

"Hellerrr?" I said funnily because I thought it was my dad.

"Haha hey y/n." The voice said.

It ain't my dad. It was Ethan.

"Oh shit! Hey Ethan. What's cracka lackin brosef." I said awkwardly and facepalmed myself once again.

I put him on speaker and set my phone down so I can put the groceries away.

"Pfffftttttttt nothin much bro. Just seeing a pretty girl putting her groceries away." Ethan said.

Jealousy somehow washed over me.

"Oh. Well is she your girlfriend?" I said a little sad.

"What? No y/n. The pretty girl is you." I can sense his smile.

"Oohhhh my bad. Wait where are you? Your freaking staring at me?" I said and looked around before I saw Ethan leaning at a lamp post next to a truck.

"That is so not creepy at all!" I yelled to him and he chuckled before hanging up and walking over to me.

"So uhhh, I wanted to ask if you Uh......." he said nervous and started to pick at his nails.

I'm supposed to be the nervous one.

"Ifyouwantedtogooutsometimelikeadate." He said really fast.

I comprehended it then smiled at him "I would love to go on a date with you, Ethan."

He smiled brightly before taking my hand and kissing it rapidly.

I laughed and he said bye before skipping childishly to his car I could hear him scream of happiness in his car from here.

Well I guess I'm going on a date with Ethan.....

This sucks poopy...

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