Gang :-: g

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"I don't give a fuck if your sister is in being raped just get the twins here! Besides I'll kill the rapist tomorrow." Y/n yelled into the phone of one of her assistants.

The assistant said ok then hung up.

Y/n sighed and picked her leather jacket before heading out of the building to the coffee shop across the street. As she jaywalked multiple cars honked and she just gave them a glare that said them to shut up. She got to the coffee shop and ordered a coffee and then when paying she threw 50 bucks at the cashiers face.

Y/n's phone rang as she entered her building. It was her assistant.

"Yes?" Y/n sighed into the phone as she clicked the 10th floor.

"They are here." The assistant said.

Y/n hung up and then started smiling.

The Dolan's were the second highest gang in Los Angeles. They were planning this meeting for such a long time and now they are finally going to meet each other. They have never seen each other's faces for security reasons.

As y/n made her way to the meeting room where multiple security guards were standing, she has never seen them before meaning that they were the twins'.

"Move." Y/n said to the 7'1 security guards.

They just stared at y/n with blank faces.

"I'm y/n Montana." Y/n said making the security guards immediately move.

Y/n sighed before straightening her back and opened the double gold doors seeing her assistant, Matt.

Matt Donovan. Was a pretty blonde. With striking blue eyes. Standing at 6'1. With a tux. (If yu watch vampire diaries you know who I'm talking about)

"Hello, Matt." Y/n smiled at him which he returned.

"Hello, y/n." Matt smiled and shifted his eyes to the left where the twins were standing.

The twins didn't show it but they were shook. Absolutely star struck at how beautiful y/n was. According to sources they thought she was a nasty women with no personality or emotion. Sources were wrong. Very wrong.

"Hello, I'm y/n Montana." Y/n smiled kindly at the two and stuck her hand out which Grayson accepted with a smile.

"I'm Grayson and my brother Ethan." Grayson pointed to his twin.

"Nice to meet you, boys." Y/n said as she made her way to a chair in the front.

"So how much do you need?" Y/n started and started to play with her gold keys.

"Thousand pounds of yeyo. Delivered by tomorrow." Grayson said and took a seat.

"Yeyo? Where is it going to?" Y/n questioned.

"Puerto rico. Boat." Grayson shrugged.

"That's cute. How much will ju give me for it." Y/n said in her Spanish accent.

"2 million." Ethan stated.

"Not enough, Clone." Y/n said and started playing with her rubix cube.

"How much should we give you then?" Grayson said looking at Ethan and y/n.

"Every pound is about 10,000. And ju offering me 2 million. No, caberon. Ju Americans don know how much I bust my ass trying to convince my men to keep their peepee's in their pants." Y/n said waving her right hand around.

"We are not like that, y/n." Grayson said and scooted closer to y/n which was risky.

"Oh I know your not. I just made a gesture to see if you'd take it." Y/n sighed and brought out her golden gun.

"So...?" Grayson trailed signaling her to take continue.

"10 million is what I bargain for. Even though it is worth much more." Y/n started bouncing her gold ball.

"Done." Grayson said and clapped her shoulder making her shoot her head in his direction making him flinch.

"Jason? Was it?" Y/n said with a sudden tone.

"Grayson." He stuttered taking a few steps back as she stepped forward.

"Well Grayson. Touch me again. And your brother right there will be no more. I will make sure of that." Y/n got in his face pouting the unloaded gun in his forehead. Clearly Grayson didn't know it was unloaded.

Y/n smiled like nothing happened and then slowly and softly kissed his lips.

Grayson slowly melted into it loving the feeling and then realized that she just threatened his brother. She's such a good kisser though. He can complain about it later.

Grayson grabbed her hips and guided her onto his lap.

They continued until Grayson grabbed her ass making her grab it and force it off making Grayson confused.

"What happened?" Grayson questioned.

"10 million. By sunset." Y/n whispered in his ear before leaving the room.

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