Hiking :-: g

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"I don't think you understand how much I don't want to do this." I sighed as we got out of the car and met with the scorching hot weather.

Grayson chuckled and got our water throwing one at me but I let it hit the ground not having the energy to pick it up.

"Come on, not that bad." Grayson smiled and kissed my forehead.

"It's that bad and we have to go all the way up there?!" I yelled as I pointed to the Hollywood sign.

"Yup." Grayson pooped and smiled cutely.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the cold water bottle and walked out waiting for Grayson to catch up.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Grayson wrapped his sweaty arm around me making it slip off my shoulder.

"Are you serious? Because there is so many things to talk about." I said sarcastically and smiled widely.

"Let's talk about... your job! How is it." Grayson smiled and started walking a bit faster, and I subconsciously walked at his fast pace.

"Fucking sucks. Everyone there treats you like shit if you aren't looking your best." I rolled my eyes and felt the sweat going down my face.

I worked as a bellhop person at a fancy hotel. You have to dress pretty elegant for that and as a girl I have to wear a plaid skirt and a white button up and I font have to wear a hat since they said people need to see my hair.

"Ok, fine Uhm, you still straight?"

"I'm still dating you Grayson. Of course." I smiled at the thought of dating the actual Grayson Dolan. I'm lucky.

Grayson then blushed and looked down while smiling.

I chuckled and started jogging and Grayson started also.

"Out here in the desert. Crocky. We made it out here alive, with no water." I said in an Australian accent and stumbled over for an extra effect making Grayson laugh.

"Oh my gosh." Grayson smiled.

"Look! It's a dog." Y/n cheered as she spotted a small husky.

Y/n ran over to it and started petting its head and admiring its blue eyes and fur. The dog leaned into her touch.

Y/n looked up and saw Grayson smiling.

"I know your allergic, gray. And that is why we have to leave you dog!" Y/n got up and the dog started whimpering and snuggling up next to y/n.

"As much as I want to keep you. My boyfriends allergic so sorry bud." Y/n caressed his head one last time before walking away.

Grayson waited for her to walk away for enough, I then picked up the dog carrying it in my arms petting its head, he ignored the hives he was getting and looked down at the beautiful creature.

Grayson caught up with you and then tapped you on the shoulder, you turned seeing Grayson with red eyes and a puffy nose but a bright smile on his face.

"We're gonna keep him." Grayson sniffles and you smiled hugging him.

"Can we go back now? I'm over it." You sighed smiling at an allergic Grayson.

"Uh huh *sneeze*" he handed me the dog and started walking beside me.

"You really need to get some shots." I chuckled and petted the puppies head looking over at Grayson.

"We're going tomorrow." Grayson snuggled and kissed my head.

I'm glad I went hiking.

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