Wedding :-: g

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"I hate weddings." I stated bluntly as me, Grayson, and Ethan drove to Cameron's wedding.

She got married to a loyal man. Whoopee.

"Come on, y/n. Weddings aren't that bad. We're going to have one." Grayson stated as we got close to the location.

Grayson was planning on marrying me?

"Weddings are just rubbing the fact they found love in people's faces." I grunted and fixed my dress.

I heard Ethan chuckle from the backseat.

"Most of the people there already found love, y/n." Grayson retorted and Ethan interviewed.

"I haven't." Ethan said.

"No shit." I said finally.

"Ok well your going to be speaking, so you better not say anything stupid." Grayson warned as the valet came toward us and then took the car.

"Can't promise anything." I mumbled but I knew Grayson heard me.

We made it to the entrance and we got in and man did it look like the ball scene from Cinderella.

Cameron chose a good place.

Me and Grayson were kinda matching.

The theme of the wedding was 'love at first sight' how typical.

So I was wearing a silk long red dress and Grayson was wearing a black tux with a red tie.

"Ethan take a picture of us." Grayson said and handed Ethan his phone.

Yes I love Grayson. And he knows it too because I say it...sometimes. Only when I need to. I don't say it 24/7 and get all lovey Dovey. I know Grayson loves me and he knows I love him. Simple.

We took the picture and made our way to main ball room where apparently the after party will be.

Apparently only family were allowed to be at the church where they'd be officially married.

"Bye, babe. See you at the party." Grayson said and kissed my head before heading inside the church with Ethan.

Now I have to wait.

Oh wait no. I'm supposed to go outside for the claps and food and be there for the big ring part right? Damn it.

We get it your married. Don't get me wrong I love Cameron's getting married to a wonderful man. But I just simply don't like the whole marrying part.

I mean.

What happens when you don't love the person anymore. You have to go to court and get the whole thing and cost a lot of money. Just don't let the government know. Government has nothing to do with your love life. It just proves that you two are together. No big deal.

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