Chapter 4: Best Day Of His Life

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Hey guys so the picture above is me dressed as Marie for Halloween a few years ago. The only difference is her new hair is black with pink! Also she doesn't look like this till about half way through the chapter!


-CD Marie

Chapter 4: Unedited

*Knock Knock

"Dante if that's you just go away!" I yelled.

The door opened and I was just about ready to explode but, "Nicholas, you're back."

"Not a good day, huh?" Nicholas said.

"Let's just say Dante biting me is now the highlight of the month."

Nicholas' eyes got big and I knew he noticed. "What did Dante do to your arm?!"

"He gave me a tattoo." I said all matter-of factly.

"You're kidding?"

"Nope. Your brother's actions makes it very hard to ask him to sign the legal guardian form for school. Speaking of which we have a lot of stuff to do. I need to get a whole new identity and look, register for school and a lot more. We should get started.

"Okay, I'll book an appointment for you to see a hair stylist tomorrow after your test."

"Okay, thanks. I'm going to go to bed, see you tomorrow." I said walking upstairs.

"Night." he called after me.

I looked back and gave him a smile before I turned back to go to my room. I got into my pajamas and crawled into bed.

I spent the next morning refreshing on the material I was to be tested on later that afternoon. The rest of the time before my appointment I spent getting ready. Why did it take me four hours to get ready? Easy, because Dante wouldn't leave me alone. He of course did most of the talking while I tried to ignore him but, I somehow fail every time. He went on and on about how he would always be stronger than me.

"Hello Marie, are you ready to take your test?" Mr. Mystery asked as he greeted me into the office.

"I think so." I said nervously.

"You will have one hour to take the test and then the last half an hour of our appointment we will talk and reflect on the test, see if you were truly meant to be a slayer." he instructed.

No pressure or anything my whole future is just on the line with this one test.

"Now the whole test is multiple choice. That way it's fast and easy to grade. In fact it grades while you take it. Here you go, start when you're ready." he said handing me a tablet.

I went right to answering the first question. All that studying paid off, I didn't have any trouble answering a single question. It took me the whole hour though, there were a lot of questions.

"Okay, while the computer finishes grading, how do you think you did?" He asks taking the tablet and setting it on his desk.

"Good, but then I think, well if I think I did well does that mean I did bad? I studied really hard." I stopped talking when I realized I was rambling.

I am just so nervous about this test, if I don't pass what then? I don't think I could live with myself knowing I had my chance to make a difference and failed. Not to mention the fact I would never hear the end of it from Dante.

"I'm sorry, I'm thinking way too much about this." I apologized.

He walked over to his computer at his huge brown desk.

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