Chapter 13: Betrayal

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Chapter 13: (Unedited)

The next morning when I woke up Seth wasn't there. I looked around the room, but everything was untouched. Nothing was added except a little yellow piece of paper that was folded in half.


Talking with vampires be back soon.


Okay I guess I will just sit here...and sit....and sit. I felt as if I was part of a movie where the scene is just the person sitting there for long periods of time. By the time he got back I had died from boredom.

"Hey." He said with an expression that I could only make out meant that something happened... something bad.

"Hey." I replied expressing my confusion in tone and facial expressions.

The rest of the day was really quiet. Seth didn't really talk at all, he just seemed so deep in thought. It got me wondering what the hell happened today. He almost looked heart broken as if he was a lost puppy.

"Don't ask." Seth said his voice unrecognizable as his own.

"Okay." Was all I replied.

I understand sometimes you just don't want to talk. Talking could make it worse. I don't like talking about my brother. It makes me feel as if I am going through it again. It was getting late and I am bored out of my mind. So without anything better to do with my life, I went to sleep.

I had the dream again. When the knife went in it felt even more real than before. It freaked me out.

I woke up and Seth was gone again. I glance over the room and found no note. I opened the door and a vampire that I talked to once when I first tried to escape. He had blond hair. He blocked my way out the door.

"Where is he?" I demanded.


"Don't play dumb, where is Seth?"

"He is away until the sacrifice tomorrow."

"The full moon is tomorrow? Why can't he see me?!"

"He is getting too attached."

I was confused wasn't Seth in control of the vampires, not the other around? If it was the other way around why are they so obsessed in breaking the ritual?


"No more questions." The blond vampire said shutting the door i my face.

This doesn't make sense. If they wanted to break the curse, why not do it themselves? I need answers and I'm clearly not going to get them from blondy. I grabbed my bag out of the closet from when Seth took it from me. I grabbed my books and looked through them, but there was nothing about the ritual. I reached in a stake. Well I better get going the full moon is tomorrow. I opened the door and staked the vampire.

"Have fun in hell."I said as I walked downstairs.

I went to the unbreakable front door and attempted to open it. After a couple of ouches and bangs the front door broke down. I ran outside and before I could reach the gate the army of vampires was lined up blocking my way.

"Move!" I demanded sharply.

"No the ritual will happen." One of them said with dark black hair and a sharp jaw line.

"Not if I have a say."

This dark haired vampire was clearly the leader of the group.

"Why do you want Seth to be the one to break it? Why not you or any other vampire?"

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