Chapter 39: Lives Lost

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"Marie, go help Trollhella! I'll guard you on your way." My dad said who somehow made his way to me.

I nodded and began making my way to Trollhella, who appeared to be casting a lot of spells. I don't know how much longer the witches could go on fighting.

"LOOK OUT!" My dad yelled and just as I turned to him, he jumped in front of me and a stake from Hunter went into his chest.

OH MY GOD! My father, my only living biological parent, just died. I had to shake the thought our of my head because I'm still in a battle and my friends need my help. I turned to look at Trollhalla, she had a familiar bulky bracelet in one hand and was looking like she could collapse any second.

I ran up behind Marc and Trollhella's face lit up when she saw me.

"Marie!" She shouted just before she threw the bulky bracelet at me.

I caught it then quickly snapped the bracelet onto Marc. "You know what I'm sick of this bracelet getting put on my wrist!" He said just before walking over to Trollhella and without giving me or Trollhella any time to react snapped her neck.

"OH MY GOD! Trollhella!" I screamed.

The girl who made me a slayer, helped me on my attempt to bring Seth back, killing Dante, is dead.

"Well that get's rid of that problem." Marc said dusting off his hands.

"I can't believe you just KILLED TROLLHELLA!" I screamed at him before I saw red and came at him.

"You're next Lipgloss!" He told me.

We both threw several punches, but he was somehow stronger than me. He got his hands around my neck and then time slowed. I looked around at all the dead bodies. Most of the vampire gang, my dad, Jake, Nicholas, Trollhella, Mr. Mystery... all of these people died for what they believed in (some believed in vampire ruling, but still). I can't let the ones I love, die for nothing. I have to finish the battle, make sure the world goes back to what it was meant to be. It's up to Seth and I.

Time sped back up and I threw Marcc over my back and onto the ground. He got back up, but I was fighting harder than ever. I had something come over me, that scared me, I couldn't stop hitting Marc. Even when he was down, I beat him till he didn't move.

"Marie!" I looked to see Seth running towards me.

I looked around once he was at my side and realized the only people left standing and alive was Hunter, Seth, and I. Hunter looked exhausted, he had a bloody lip and cuts all over his body, or in other words didn't look like he could fight for very long or at all.

"Com'on Hunter, there's two of us and one of you. No one else has to die."

He stood there for a long time before answering, the getting thicker and thicker every second. When he finally answered it was in a whisper of defeat. "Fine. "

I finally was able to breathe and walked over to my brother and hugged him. "Thank you." I said pulling away from him.

"Well I guess it's over then." Seth said.

"Not quite yet." I told him before walking over to the alleyway where I left an unconscious Dante. When I arrived at the alley way Dante wasn't there.

"What is it?" Seth asked studying my face.

"I left Dante right here!"

"Wait he's ALIVE?!" Hunter asked.

"In a way." I replied.

Hunter looked as if he was going to explode with anger. His veins popping out of his forehead, his hands making a fist. I've never seen anyone so angry. As if to ease some of the tension Seth spoke. "He's probably drinking, trying to understand what's happened since he became a vampire to getting his humanity back."

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