Chapter 19: No Plan

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*Ring *Ring

I glanced down at my smartphone to see an unknown number calling. Me being the smart person I am answered it.


"Hello Marie." A voice all too familiar spoke.



I looked around making sure that my surroundings were safe.

"I heard you've been having a blast in Orlando."

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly not wanting to waste time on small talk.

"For you to make things easy and come meet me."

"Not gonna happen."

"I thought you would say that, so...I got a delivery on my way to make sure you will come."

"And what would that be?"

By now I was searching every store around trying to find Nicholas and or Seth. Only I couldn't find either of them.

"Oh just Nicholas and Seth." He answered casually.


"They left the mall in Orlando about an hour ago and are on the way to me." He explained further.

"Where are you?"

"So you're planning on coming now, huh?"

"Depends, are you ready to die?"

I am fuming. No one messes with the people that are important to me. Dante has crossed that line and he will die for it.

"Ha, okay Lipgloss. I'll be in Missouri in two weeks, I expect you there by then."


I hung up and started toward the nearest exit.

What if he was bluffing the whole time? No, he knew where I was. How am I going to get to Missouri? I will just ride a train it will only take about fifteen hours.

I went back to the hotel and packed our stuff together then checked out.

I got on the train and rode it to the border of missouri before I got off and started walking. I somehow ended up in a forest, surrounded by trees and ferns. I kept walking not knowing what else to do.

"Hey! What are you doing here? It's not safe! You must go back it's not safe." an older lady told me.

"Why? Why isn't it safe?"

"The vampires! They have enslaved all humans! Not safe, must go!" She said pushing me back.

She reminded me of the old lady version of Maleficent, but with a kinder face.

"Listen, I'm a vampire slayer. I can help you. Tell me what's going on."

She explained to me that a few years ago a group of people from out of town came here. They gave the locals this baby blue potion. Who ever drinks that potion isn't themselves they do whatever the outsiders said. They didn't realize they were vampires until they saw bite marks on their necks.

"Why don't you leave?" I asked.

"Because they have a witch and she put a barrier around the village. Once you're in there's no escape. You've come to close you're trapped!" She trembled.

"It's okay I can help."

"Try as you must, but you won't succeed." She said then ran into the distance.

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