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"Do you know which watch you'd like to wear tonight, Mr Stark?"

Tony quickly flicked off the hologram displaying the poisoning levels in his body, clearing his throat as he buttoned up his shirt to cover the arc reactor and turned to see Natalie entering the room, holding a box full of his different watches.

"I'll give them a look," Tony looked at the woman behind him through the mirror before turning to face her. "I should cancel the party, huh?"

"Probably," she responded as she walked toward him. "It's ill-timed, sends the wrong message, inappropriate."

Taking the drink that Natalie was handing him, Tony took a sip as he sat down in one of the arm chairs of his bedroom, looking up at Natalie as she stood beside him, waiting for instructions.

"Gold face, brown hand. The Jaeger. I'll give that a look. Bring them over,"

Natalie retrieved the box once again, handing it over to Tony before she sat down on the coffee table in front of him, crossing her legs as she waited and watched. The man flicked through the different bands, looking as if his mind was elsewhere.

"Something on your mind, Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah...can I ask you a question, hypothetically?" Natalie gave him a small nod as Tony rubbed his face nervously. "Bit odd. If this was your last birthday party you were ever gonna have, how would you celebrate it?"

"I'd do whatever I wanted to do with whoever I wanted to do it with," she told him simply, taking the case from his hands and rising to her feet, walking toward the door once more. She stopped in her tracks, looking at him from over her shoulders with a smirk. "...maybe start with telling your best friend that you're in love with her."

Tony snorted, shaking his head with a grin as his assistant left the room, leaving him to mull over her words.

It really could be the last birthday party he ever has...what did he have to lose?

◼ ◼ ◼

Stepping out of the vehicle and passing the keys to the hired valet for the night, Nathan and Audelia linked arms as they walked up the driveway toward the Stark residence, cameras flashing and questions shouted their way as the pair ignored them all and made their way inside.

"I can't believe I'm an hour late to my own best friend's birthday party," Deli grumbled under her breath, fixing her dress as she reached into her purse, popping another mint into her mouth before Nathan took her bag and placed it in the entryway closet.

"You were dehydrated and pale as a ghost, I wasn't letting you come until we got you back to stable levels," Deli raised an eyebrow at him as Nate held up his hands with a smile. "Perks of being engaged to a doctor, I know what I'm doing. We're here now, let's just focus on that."

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