Chapter 1- Rose Knox

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Rose Knox walked down the street. Her dark blue hoodie covering her sky blue eyes. The black backpack on her back clearly half empty, and the soles on her white shoes worn down. Her jeans were slightly ripped, and her hoodie was dirty. Her light blue hair was peaking out of her hood. Her white skin was ever so slightly tanned, and the little skin that could be seen revealed small scars. These scars ranged from her neck, to her hands, to everywhere. People stepped to the side when she got close, allowing her to pass. They way she walked made those around her fear her, like she was walking with one goal in mind and would hurt anyone who got in her way. Even with her baggy sweatshirt, people could tell she was thin. Her physical appearance wasn't threatening, it was her body language. Even in a world with superheroes and aliens, this 14 year old girl was one of the scariest things to the people around her. There were rumors that she could kill you...

And she very well could.


Rose walked into the local convenience store.
"Hey Rose!" The shopkeeper called put.
Rose looked at him and gave a slight nod, her way of saying hello. She grabbed some bandages and an apple. She walked to the cash register and dropped the items on the counter. She pulled out her wallet, taking most of the few bills in it. She handed the money to the shop keeper, and he took it with a smile.
"Is that all?" He asked.
Rose nodded, and stared at the items as they got scanned.
"Your total is $7.24," he said counting the money Rose handed to her.
"Rose, is this your dinner tonight?" The man asked.
Rose didn't even nod in response and looked at the floor. The man sighed and reached down. He stood back up and handed her a small plastic bag. The bag was filled with colorful gummy bears.
"It's on the house," the man said with a smile.
Rose looked up at him, revealing her emotionless eyes. The man knew that her showing her eyes was her sign of thanking someone. He smiled and watched as she left. He knew that she barely managed to get by, and with the recent state of New York City it couldn't have been any easier.

Rose walked down the street, taking the occasional gummy bear from the bag. She passed many buildings under repair. Around 5 months ago there was some alien attack on New York. A group calling themselves the Avengers stopped the attack, but not before destroying many buildings. They assisted as best they could in order to repair the city, but it would still take a while before everything was back to normal. The news was exploding about how not only was there other life in the universe that was more advanced than us, but that there were humans with some of these powers. Rose passed an electronic shop, to see the news playing.
"Look Ron, we have to ask the important questions. Are there any more people with superpowers?"
"It is very likely, and we have to worry about these people being turned into weapons. We are currently working with the CIA to try and find anymore people with unnatural abilities."
"Thank you Ron, now about the Avengers..."

Rose stopped watching after that. She continued walking down the street thinking about what she heard. They are trying to track people with powers down, people like her. She looked down at her right hand, which wasn't holding the bag of gummy bears. She made sure nobody was around, and closed her eyes. She opened them to see a faint blue light coming from her right palm. She stared at it for a few seconds, until she forced it to disappear. She shrugged and went back to eating gummy bears. She saved the rest for later, and stuffed the bag into her backpack. She took out a black mask that covered her mouth and nose, and put it on.

Rose walked behind a bar, and entered the back door. She walked down a flight of stairs to see a man standing in front of a door with a clipboard.
"Name?" He asked.
"You're Shadow?"
Rose stood there and crossed her arms. The man sighed and let her in, muttering something about her going to her death. He opened the door and yelling was instantly heard. People were all shouting and drinking. In the center of it all was a beat up wrestling ring, where two men were fighting. Well there wasn't much of a fight, it was one man bloody on the ground and the other kicking him. The fight stopped when the man on the ground stopped moving, and people dragged him out of the ring. Some people were heard complaining about losing their bet, and money was being passed back and forth. Rose pushed her way through people and made her way to the side of the ring.

"Next up, the man with the longest winning streak this bar has ever seen, Curtis Mackwell!" The announcer shouted making sure to extend the syllables of the man's name.
A tall, muscular man walked into the ring. He held up his fist and everyone cheered. He stood in the corner he came from and leaned back.
"And his opponent, the mystery fighter sweeping the area, Shadow!" The announcer shouted, also taking a few seconds just to say the word shadow.
Rose lifted up the rope and walked into the ring. She was now in all black clothing, along with her mask. Her dirty jeans and hoodie had been replaced with a long sleeve black t-shirt, black pants, and black sneakers. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, but her black mask remained on. Everyone bursted out laughing at the sight of a teenage girl entering the ring.
"Alright folks, you have 1 minute to place your bets!" The announcer shouted.

It was tradition that during these 60 seconds, the two fighters talk. The man approached Rose, and stood in front of her. He looked down at her, and she looked up at him.
"Listen I don't beat up kids, last chance to leave the ring," he told Rose.
Rose stared at him with a cold expression. She sighed an annoyed sigh and put her hands into the pockets on her pants. The man scoffed and walked back to his corner.
"Alright the minute is up! Fighters to your corners! 3...2...1 fight!"

The man charged at Rose. She jumped on top the wooden pole marking her corner, and used it to jump over the man. She landed behind him with ease, causing him to become even angrier. She was now in the center of the ring, and didn't have anything to jump off of. When he ran at her once more, she slid between his legs. She jumped up, turned around immediately, and jumped onto the man's back. He tried to throw her off, but she used his neck to spin around to the front. He turned his head back to the front to see her facing him. Before he could react, Rose punched him in the nose as hard as she could. The man stumbled back, and Rose jumped off. Nobody was cheering or drinking, they were watching in awe. Rose ran at the man and kicked him in the gut, causing him to lean forward in pain. Rose grabbed his shoulders to hop over his body. She kicked the back of his knee, and he fell. Rose walked beside him, and gave him one swift chop on the neck. The man was knocked unconscious instantly. Rose stood straight up, dusted off her pants, and nudged the man to make sure he was out. Almost everyone began to cheer and drink once more.

Rose was handed a stack of money from the announcer. She stepped out of the ring and made her way to the door, ignoring all the people trying to talk to her. She left the building, took her hair out of the ponytail, and changed back into her normal clothing. She began to walk out of the alley, putting the cash into her wallet.

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