Square One

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It was like waking from a deep but dreamless sleep. Ree had to blink away the dark spots from her sight, most of all she wanted to rub her eyes but she didn't have that possibility, her hands being in cuffs that were connected to the table. Some strong magnet, she figured. The spots slowly disappeared from her sight and haziness in her mind was replaced with that sharp mind that she was used to. Keelor was sat in her chair, she tried to stand up, finding her ankles strapped to the legs of the chair with ankle cuffs. She ground, being shackled wasn't that comfortable really. "Comfortable?" It was as if the person had read her mind. Ree hadn't even noticed the person standing to her slight right.

"Not really." It was the pilot, his black locks were to the side. He was wearing a grey shirt, brown pants and a grey scarf. Ree was still in her Commander's outfit with its First Order insignia, something she really wanted to get out of. 

"Good." His voice dripped with a distaste for the blonde, understandable, Ree figured, she had tried to kill him before, but it also went the other way around. She tried to blow away a strand of hair that was annoyingly in her face but it had gotten stuck in some dried blood in her eyebrow. Wounds that need tending, great, Ree thought, they really seem to keep it sanitized in the jungle base. What would be a fancy metal room with an even fancier interrogation chair back on the Star Destroyer was instead two metal chairs at a table in a cave under a cliff. It was clear the Resistance didn't have the same resources, maybe that's why the pilot was wearing a scarf because why would anyone else willingly wear that?

"I need to speak with your General." Ree ignored the invitation for a verbal battle. 

"You know, if I had my ways," he walked up to the table and leaned down, invading her personal space. If he thought it would make her look away, make her uncomfortable, he was very wrong,  "you wouldn't even be sitting here."

"And that's why you're not the General, sweetie." Keelor put on an ironic smile, "a General would know that it would be better to interrogate me, torture me for information, before killing me."

"Didn't seem like that when it was the other way around." the Pilot's eyes became two narrow lines. He remembered how eager the woman in front of him had been to kill him. A favour he would happily return. Ree swallowed hard and looked down in shame, that version of her seemed to be lightyears away, yet, to everyone else, she still was that person.

"No, it didn't, did it? But aren't you supposed to be the good guys?" She tilted her head to the side, now, the Pilot stepped away and instead just crossed his arms over his chest.

"We are." He answered with determination.

"So naive, thinking everything is black and white. Let me tell you something, pilot. The world is a lousy grey where good and bad is a concept decided by the ruling power." Before Dameron could answer back something about a spark that will ignite a fire, an old woman walked up to the secluded part of the grotto.

"It may be grey but there is still light and darkness." The old woman, even though Ree had never seen her before she knew instantly who she was, the Force was radiating off of her, "and I believe you're very familiar with the latter."

"General," Ree didn't speak with detest as someone like the pilot would expect her to, instead her voice was filled with... hope? But that quickly went away, left was the sadness inside of Ree. "Congratulations," she sounded, "you're gonna be a grandma." All three looked down at the rounded stomach. the pilot realized that he had just been willing to kill a pregnant woman. The General had a pained expression.

"How far?" Organa asked as she sat down t the chair opposite.

"Seven months, give or take a week."

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