Unwanted Meetings

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' Surprise Shawty '
srry tiktoks not good for my vocab 😭
I thought I would post 2 tn bc I didn't update it on time
but I lowkey feel like a tease with this chapter 😭

your body jumped as you heard all the commotion downstairs .

You threw the cover off your head and moved to the door that you were prepared to run out of

' but he told me not to come downstairs '  you calmed yourself and sat on the bed waiting for it to die down but it never did you had been sitting there since the noises started the screaming the yelling the banging

you heard it all and you lost track of everything bakugou said when you heard your boyfriend scream from downstairs " PLEASE YOULL KILL ME - IF YOU DO THAT YOULL FUCKING KILL ME "

you moved to the door opening it and standing at the top of the stairs watching through the railings — you just wanted a peek just to make sure he was safe it was harmless right ? your rationality flew out the window as your mouth dropped open at a male hovering over deku who was all bloody his face barely visible .

You watched as the male walked to the couch the rest of the men following deku stumbling as he tried to claw his way up and to the couch finally getting there you watched as the men started talking .

But you couldn't hear anything you wanted to know what happened to deku you were curious so you moved closer inching yourself closer and closer to the edge of the stairs finally getting close enough to hearing distance just in time to hear a new voice "and just who do we have here "

the dark haired male said no emotion on his face Everyone except for him and bakugou turned their heads to look at you in anger.

You knew you would get in trouble you opened your mouth to speak but soon stopped as you watched bakugous finger fly up in the air his head turned over his shoulder his killer eyes from his death stare feeling like he melted your own irises

He narrowed his eyes and flicked his finger to the stairs signaling you to go back up there and stay quiet you panicked " i-"

" you say one more word and we'll have a basement part 2 season premiere now get the fuck out " bakugous voice raised

you didn't want to argue and you stepped back a few " hey - hey that's not how we talk to a lady — right katsuki ?" the male with the black hair spoke as his eyes lingered on you a bit longer studying you

" i've never seen you here before "

" she uh she's just a maid we hired since the house was getting dirty with all these guys here so we uh cleaned " denki spoke softly

his eyes narrowed " either you think i'm stupid or you just learned everything you know from a shitty liar are you saying ima shitty liar  ? "

" n-no sensei " denki stuttered obvious regret on his face .

bakugou lighty moved his head to the stairs to signal you to leave while something else had the black haired males attention .

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