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your body fell to the floor like puddy as your breath sped up and your eyes blinked rapidly body jumping as you heard the door close.

" b-babe I— " he stopped talking running his hand over his face " I— " he couldn't even find the words this wasn't the first time this had happened nor was it the first time shoto hadn't done anything .

This was the first time it was stopped though. Dabi had never been there before when stuff like this happened he'd only been there passing by every few years and for about two years of shotos work Unless a little of his childhood counted.

You were in shock that it had stopped that easily if anything you thought dabi would've followed shoto and kept his mouth closed.

" I feel like I don't even deserve to talk to you " he said his hand rushing to move and point out to you

" you don't " your voice came out softly as you turned to him

" you don't " you smiled a tear leaving your eyes as they ran down your face shoto couldn't even bring himself to think about how your cries made him feel he felt disgusted with himself if he was being honest " I— I know "

" you don't deserve to be around me at all " you smiled

" wh-what are you saying "

" i'm saying you don't deserve me "

his eyes came together voice hard
" I- you - you can't talk to me like that "

his tone shifting hand pointing every where in anger" I pay bills here I take care of the boys, of you , I run this business that allows you to eat and cook for the boys . This is all me " he swallowed

" and you say after all that I don't deserve you I don't deserve something that brings me happiness you should be disgusted ashamed even —especially after everything i'm going through for you right
now "

you cried " I am " you said softly his motions slowing getting ready to smile in victory
" i'm glad that— "

" about the way I still follow after you relentlessly about the way I jump at everything you say about the way I — I just called out to you for help this time and instead your brother helped me "

you sighed " the one I thought was evil and mean and rude like you told me " you looked at him
" he helped me and not the man I've loved all my
life "
he was open mouthed " shoto do you love me "

" o-of c-course I do why why would you even ask me something stupid like that "

" do you really love me or have you just grown use to having someone on your side that never left someone that sat next to you everyday and never got up to leave even when you— when you left they stayed because they were so sure you would come back  ? "

he was shocked " I— someone's been in your head
y/n that's what it is someone's been in there your not thinking right babe " he moved over to you slowly

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