Powerful Children , Powerful Quirks

397 17 14

unedited; I think there might be one more chapter if not enjoy this one

" I see my insolent son has given you your memories"

you gulped as much as you wanted to give him attitude and be mad at him you couldn't endeavor scared you he always had and he always would he was huge and also radiated a fiery personality without his quirk alone " I asked you a question y/n"

" o-oh um yes "

" yes — such a short answer "

" I mean y-yes sir "

" no smile to wrap your answer in a neat bow "

you smiled your eyes racing searching his face
" y-yes sir "

" good girl " they loved this term this word you hadn't been able to count how many times the men had used this on you alone all except for natsuo he left the family as he pursued a career in america and you begged him to take you with him .

He left before your treatment got too bad just like fuyumi so he never knew of everything that had happened endeavor made you cut all contact with them saying that they didn't need to be bothered especially by someone they have no real tie to

" what did you call me here to speak about —must be important if you called me to talk to instead of my son " your eyes dropped and looked away him smirking

" unless — you wanted more than that "

you played with the hem of your dress
" don't do that y/n if your not gonna let me have a peak "

his leg came to rest against yours his shoe rubbing at your ankle " it's only fair right "

you tensed as the waiter came back
" hi — just coming to get your drink orders "

endeavor smiled softly as he turned from you to the waiter " i'll have a beer —"

" i'll take a f—"

" she'll have a water " his voice thundered as he looked from the waiter to you whos head dropped to the ground you forgot when you were with him you had no control it made you miss the little bit of openness shoto gave you .

You knew it could always be worse you'd seen dabis
' girlfriends ' they had burns in more than one place , endeavor had been known for getting handsy with woman and shoto — shoto was the one who suffered you knew he didn't want to grow up like them he always said he never wanted to be like his father so

when you thought about it you could only see yourself being hit with his earlier body today that was tucked into itself screaming out strings of i'm sorry
" is that fine ma'am " the waiter asked looking to you as endeavors eyes rolled over her to you his eyebrow raised " yes i'm ok "

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