Heros & role Models

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You awoke to your head and body being picked up as you heard the car doors close
" come on babe let's go upstairs"

you opened your eyes locking on his dual colors ones " shoto no you don't have to I can walk I swear "

he laughed a little " y/n your so exhausted I bet you can hardly hold a smile he was right you couldn't
" where are the boys "

"lida came out to get em "

" oh is he ok I know he was there tonight "

" he's fine y/n he just took em out for a ride while he works on his quirk a bit — but you "

his eyes peered at you as you felt his body move up the stairs " you need to rest please "

you snuggled into his neck as he spoke lowly
" you looked so tired tonight " he sighed

" i'm sorry for going off on you like that—  3 times —I know you were only doing the job I told you to do it just made me a bit upset that you'd played the part so well "

" it's ok you didn't mean to I understand " your hand came up to his face
" I love you " you said trying to smile his eyes leaving yours as he opened the room door

turning on the lamp and laying you on the bed you two shared you'd missed your room up until recently  and your time spent with bakugou you were sleeping alone in the guys house. You felt much more comfortable with shoto at your side in your own bed

His hands gripped at the blanket bringing it up to your face and tucking you in giving you an extra pillow from his side of the bed you turning to your right on your side to face him Him sitting next to you and his hand dancing across your face
" your not gonna come to bed "

he smiled down at you " babe you know I have work"

" yeah but it's my first day back —first night back "

" your tired "

" I —"

" it's fine y/n " he laughed " I don't need it plus you can't help me like you use to — not after bakugou — I still need some time ok—i'll reach out to you when i'm interested" he planted a kiss on your lips but your mind couldn't help but wonder
' did he answer me back earlier when i said it'
" I love you " you said softly before he moved to stand up to exit the room your eyebrows coming together

" shoto baby " you called out looking at him his grip on the door strong

" hmm "

" you didn't say I love you back " his movements slowed " o-oh —yeah love you " you smiled and turned to go to sleep as he left the room pursuing his work

the next morning.

you found yourself downstairs returning to your mornings and how'd you'd usually spend them before your adventure .

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