Listening Is Not His Strong Suit

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" eh-"

" he never felt like your first time because he wasn't "

" I— but "

" what did it feel like "

your eyes creased as you tried to remember grip still heavy on his hand " he felt— it didn't feel new I wasn't scared everything felt — it felt boring "

you sighed " he tried his hardest to make me feel safe he did everything right I know he did he made sure I was ok the whole time bu-but I had already been through it at least that's what it felt like and it wasn't the same

The whole time I kept wishing for something else for someone else but I wasn't sure who. I was wishing for a certain energy a certain spark that I had — I guess my first time maybe — "

you sighed " I mean he wasn't bad or anything I mean I don't think —I just— I was confused I felt experienced while he didn't "

bakugous eyes widened a slight smirk playing at his face mind racing ' I fucked her better '

" I've always wondered who I was looking for in that moment who I wanted to feel and I never was abl-"

your eyes raised to bakugou as his eyes darted away from you " h-he wasn't your first huh "

" I was- I don't —"

" look i gotta tell you something " you were breathing heavy why had the air shifted " look " he turned back to you his face determined

" you've been through a lot this conversation is case and point of that and I feel horrible to throw all this on you right now especially while your telling me something so sad but your right about him not being your first "

he sighed " he never was he never will be — I mean he can't be "

" how would you know " you said as he felt too assure of himself he felt too positive about something he knew nothing about

" because I was your first " your body sat still for a moment before it reacted too slow as you jumped back dropping his hand on his lap causing him to hiss
" shit y/n "

" I-i'm sorr—wait no damn right I did that that's what you deserve d-dipshit " you moved away from him wrapping your arms around yourself as he quirked up his eyebrow from your earlier statement

'she's getting a little bold '

" this whole time I was here— this whole time you were sleeping next to me in my room you had already done it before — that whole spiel you gave when I first got here about giving me clothes and letting me take a shower and change YOU DIDNT EVEN GIVE ME BOTTOMS — "

you took a deep breath " the joke you made about my butt — you had already seen it — you fucking creep you had seen me naked this whole time "

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