A stutter

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He walked around the isolated desk and picked up strands of your hair.

"I've wanted to touch your hair for so long y/n-chan"

He bent down you two now face to face.

" what if I kissed you," he said you feeling his breath on your lips

" Huh y/n what would you do ?"

He looked around your face searching for resistance or annoyance but all he found was fear. He looked over your body eyes landing on your handcuffed hands you forgot were in front of you.

" Hmm well, I guess you can't do anything huh ?"

He pushed his face back in yours after taking it away to stare at your hands. You stared at him trying to figure out what he was doing.

Denki was always a flirt but right now it felt like you were being pulled to him by some imaginary force

" You want to kiss me right y/n ?"

You didn't understand why but you felt like you wanted to. He brushed his lips against yours. You pushing your lips to meet his but only meeting cool air as he pulled his face away smirking.

" Look at you " he ran his finger under your chin

"Trying to kiss me When you're tied to a school desk"

You felt embarrassed cursing yourself in your mind why would the person who kidnapped you even try to kiss you.

" You cried all the way here when you were in my arms but, now you want to kiss me? somethings not adding up y/n "

He said making you feel sick for even trying it. You were starting to feel stupid.

" Look the bag that was on your head still soaked from your tears " grabbing the item they threw over your head earlier and tossing it he sucked his teeth

" Tch who told you to even try to put your dirty lips on me ?" he said squeezing your cheeks together with his pointer and thumb before throwing your face harshly.

He went back to his icy stare and sat in front of you.

" Time for some introductions. I'm a bit sad we can't do it the way we usually do though "

he said pouting

" It's always so fun "

"H-how do you usually do it "

" hmm I see we brought that habit back huh " you cursed your self Internally at your stupid mistake

" funny how you stutter with me but when Bakugou tells you not to then your talking crystal clear ?" he said walking over to you his hand behind his back.

" Am I not scary enough for you y/n "

All you felt on your temple was a cold barrel being shoved into your head. You were scared and shaking

" D-Denki"

he groaned pressing it further into your temple than it already was and pressing his finger to the trigger


he got in your face with the gun still pressed to you

"I'll do it y/n I swear I will take your life right here right now tonight "

" I'm sorry " you were scared.

You had been frightened earlier but this was something new. You were deathly afraid of The man before you. You knew if he was threatening to kill you this fast over a simple stutter then the other men would not have even given you a warning.


You just wanted to go home. You wanted no part in this.

"You're pretty when you cry," he said smirking pulling the gun away setting it back in the holder on his belt.

" I know your wondering who we are ?"

That was one of your many worries in the beginning now your only worry was trying not to upset him again. You knew next time he would shoot with no questions asked.

" yes"

" y/n I'm surprised you remembered our names in the first place "

" I went to school with you guys, of course, I remember you " he side-eyed you

" that better not be attitude stirring up in that throat of yours " he flashed his gun

" or the one and only thing in your throat will be my shiny Smith and Wesson. "

" no " he calmed down

" good girl "

" I may know who you guys were but who are you now? "

he actually smiled this time

" I knew you weren't as stupid as you were playing, let's get started "

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