Trouble Had Yet to Ring The Bell

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" please just tell me how can you be so sure maybe - maybe they'll change their minds "

he scoffed " y/n do you remember when we were back at the school this past night and Deku was 'talking to you. ' "

you sat thinking

" I heard the whole thing and he clearly made you promise you wouldnt disrespect anyone here. "

" b-but pizza is not disrespectful "

" in this world disrespect is whatever we consider disrespectful "

you were scared your eyes darting from one side to the other

" I promise you Bakugou found that disrespectful and like I said even If he did decide to let you off the hook Deku would not be any nicer. Y/n you've not only upset one of them but both. "

you pulled your knees up to to your face and sero pulled you into him

" i'm sorry but there's just nothing you can do No apologies, No crying , and no pleading y/n "

" B-but he — he did it — he started it he was making fun of me and he sparked the fuse. i jus- why do i have to get in trouble ? I can't ? I can't I didn't do anything "

" look I can't get you out of it there's no way. look your in trouble so suck it up and calm down I'm trying to help you. I hate to say this but you have to quit that right now seriously all the crying and stuff or your not gonna last 1 more day here with us. "

he sighed "why don't we um " he coughed and moved you off of him " why don't we go back to your rules huh will that make you a bit more happy? "

you were racing through your mind trying to prepare yourself for what was going to happen .

Sero felt bad watching you swim through your thoughts " y/n " you lifted your head up to look at him " tell me about your life before all this " he said waving his hands around.

" well, I always wanted to be a hero that's why I went to UA. I was always helping people as if on instinct So when I graduated UA 2 nd in my class no one from my family was really confused.

I ended up becoming somewhat of a hero but I never got much time to see the hero world. I was stuck in the office more and more as I became sucked into the world. I realized it was so much more to it. it just wasn't for me.

It's a shady world too being a hero is not all it's cracked up to be it's a very shady and scary world. Almost all the hero's have something else going on or are doing some under the table work. For someone like me it wasn't going to work So I took a break from the hero world I wasn't very well known anyways. " You smiled a bit

" It was enjoyable y'know my time before coming here I mean I had to work every day to even pay my bills but I was content. Actually the one person who made me happy is the person i'm sitting here scared of right now " you scoffed

" The man you know as the great manipulator or whatever you guys call him was really just a big softie but i guess you would say that's the fake face he put on.He was at my house not too long before I was taken he took me out to dinner and everything.

He always made me feel loved but now I don't know who he is That's not the deku I know. " your face straightened and you looked serious

"He's always been a bit rough that's just because of his childhood and how bakugou treated him it had a major affect on him others never really saw but, now that same guy is just ruthless.

you closed your eyes and spoke "He called me a slut the other night "

sero jumped back a bit at the word. He had said some things similar to that before but after sitting and talking to you he noticed you weren't like that.

He couldn't even bring himself to believe you messed with half the guys in 1-A anymore. You seemed too innocent and caring he now believed kirishima was right in saying you were taken advantage of.

" My life has never been easy and i'm not going to sit here and say I think it's going to start now. I know i'm going to get in trouble I've kind of come to terms with it what I did was wrong I need to understand that I have no power in this situation.

I am not the king chess piece right now I am nothing more than a pawn "

sero hugged you tightly and stood up from the bed talking to you

" Pawns are important pieces too."

He gave you a minute to adjust yourself and you sat at the end of the bed him finally opening the door when he saw you take a deep breath. You watched as the door opened to reveal Deku standing there

" did she come up with new rules "

sero nodded his head as a yes and walked down the hall leaving you without turning back .

Deku watched him leave and then stood at the doors threshold smirking

"God I love when you act like this "

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