Accidents Happen

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Authors note :
look all this flattery in the comments won't get you what you want 😠
shut up get away from my authors note and just read the long chapter 🙄


you moved quickly to bandage him trying your hardest to run from his cold stare .

He watched as you moved around the open bathroom grabbing what you needed and applying it to the spots you'd hit him .

He flinched every so often at your touch when you were finally finished he stood and stared down on you a look of disgust the only thing you could see
" go make my son something to eat " he spat at you

" that's all your good for right now " he side stepped you and moved to the hallway walking towards the bedroom.

You moved yourself from the wall to the mirror staring into it. As soon as you came in contact with it your hands reached out to feel your reflection

' who is this , who am I ' you thought as you traced the outline of your face through the mirror you seen the bruises and markings littering your skin
' and he thinks this is normal he's never said anything about them '

your eyes roamed over your body
' he's never told me to cover up it's as if he likes me like this '

your mind went back to when you two were fighting earlier the smile that spread across his face when you'd finally hit him back

' what— why — why does he like this ' your hand dropped as you moved to clean your wounds your mind almost empty as you tried to register what just happened you moved absentmindedly over to the kitchen after leaving the restroom

Setting the pan on the burner and preparing the sandwiches. Without thinking you turned the dial up to 7 and threw a bit of oil in the pain .

Your hands moved to prepare the sandwich's as you moved your right one up to play with your neck hand gripping at the necklace shoto had bought for you. You looked down on it seeing your name engraved as you wondered when everything went so wrong how had you two stooped so low that you were fighting in the same room as your children .

You two had reached rock bottom by the way your oldest was quick to realize what was going on . You would never call your children stupid but for them at such a young age to understand what was happening was wrong but you had raised them correctly so it was a matter of time before they figured out

You hoped none of them would get the chance to treat someone like shoto treated you. You watched as the pan started crackling a fire starting out , crackling as the the heat wafting in your face.

You hadn't heard the alarm go off yet signaling a fire so you were still out of it as you watched it raise and grow.

'would this be a way out ' you thought your hand wanting to reach out and touch it Your mind gone only your body acting on it's own .

Would your kids be mad if you took the easy way out would they grow up to be like shoto if he raised him

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