Small Drabble

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hi everyone so , this is not a new chapter sorry to do you like this i'll be posting one later , I hope it's good enough for you .

I enjoy all the comments and stars I have received you guys are so nice sometimes people like chapter after chapter and i'm like ;-; r u god like I read wattpad stories and I get so wrapped up I can't like one chapter let alone like them all.

So I thank you for pausing your reading and even giving a star to any chapter you read . I wanted to let you know that I also posted this on ao3 recently if you wanted to read there if it's easier for you .

I don't update it much on there because I can't really figure out how to work the controls one of my friends tried to help me but i'm still a lil confused

&& I have some other stories posted so feel free to read those on my page

I really wanted to initially write this to say thank you for even reading my story but now that i've written this I want to write a small side story 😭 sorry i just got past my writing block recently and have been on a roll so the new chapters are gonna be interesting anyways here it goessss , it's gonna be about your old life specifically high school .


you sat In the middle of the class well your class there was no one else here ever since you'd came to UA you were put in a room alone and stripped of your quirk everyday you walked in the door you were only permitted to have it back when you exited the room . They told you it was to make sure that others were safe that still didn't know the extent of your quirk and determined you shouldn't be around others after the incident they'd heard about. you threw your head down on your desk the wind rippling through the classroom as your body flared at the cold wind. Bringing your head up the bell sounded in your ears.

you could leave now , you wanted to go home but you also at least wanted to interact with or even see some of your real classmates. Though you were alone right now you were apart of class 1A . You just weren't permitted in their class not yet

You exited the classroom moving to the hallway your
head down as you walked it was your first day just like all the others had only you came later in the year. You didn't make much of an impact and had yet to use your quirk and show it off. So no one really paid you much attention

Some people were curious about you the people in your class , class 1A, tended to talk about you doubting if you even had one.

For a first year your quirk wasn't everything to you your grades were just as important and because of the tedious work you had to do with your quirk you tended to focus on something that came easy to you ; school.

" hey y/n " you felt a tap on your shoulder as you turned your head to face the pink individual smiling at you " that's your name right —were all going outside to the practice field to test our quirks out you down "

you looked at her a look of fear on your face no one had ever really taken interest in you like this apart from your parents who you couldn't remember, " I- is it going on now "

" yeah " she smiled " come on let's go "

she grabbed your hand dragging you through the hallways as if she was holding a leash on a pet never looking back sure that you were right behind her.

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