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The room was quiet as you silently cursed yourself for what just happened should you have felt bad you still held a little bit of happiness for what you'd done

' bakugou would be proud — i got so far ' you thought your eyes closing at the memory a small smirk clawing at your face dabi laughing
" oh shit — "

he laughed " what'd i tell you fuckers I know a masochist when I see one " he laughed hard your body slowing its movements the room going quiet again as endeavor moved to take a seat from the corner of the room watching closely as if testing shoto he kept his mouth shut.

You were beginning to think nothing was going to happen until shotos foot came down on your right side as you laid on your left
" you think this is fucking funny " he was fuming he had never gotten this angry except for the other night
" you think the shit you pull is funny — you like leaving me heartbroken In the middle of a basement — do —-you like threatening me " he said voice never picking up octaviss from its basic voice he sounded bored his foot come down to kick your back as you coughed

" who are you to throw around threats so loosely he moved to hover over you " who - who do you think you are "

he sat like he couldn't believe what you'd just done like his act was breaking by looking at you like this
" this — this isn't like you y/n what — what are you doing is it the memory's like you said earlier or I can help I don't want to do thi-" 

" shoto " his voice rang out
" you tried to go soft on her she did not listen now you have to show her what happens when she doesn't "

" o-ok but she doesn't do well with the violen—I don't do wel—I can just I can talk to her she listens when i just tal-"

" no we're no longer doing what you wanna do remember " he made a pointed look at his son
" and were no longer talking do you want her running rabid and making us look dumb— you looking dumb tonight at your own gala "

" n-no sir "  shoto turned back to you speaking under his breath before his hand came down to slap your face "i-i'm sorry "

Your breath stopping at the feeling shouto was never one to put his hands on you —not like this so when he did you were confused scared even
' this is —this is new '

shoto pulled back to search his hands over looking between them and you before he turned to his dad
" it—it feels — it feels n-bad " endeavor smiled before pointing
" don't hit her in her face so much there's a gala tonight she needs her pretty face she's nice to look at hit her where you know her dress covers "

shoto moved back to you eyes no longer the ones you fell in love with his foot meeting your torso in a strong kick as he fired them off repeatedly until he saw your dry coughs turning into hot bloody ones. The air that once leaving your mouth turned into weak wheezes

" s-shoto pl-please " you said low a small smile playing at his face

" i'm sorry what was that " his hand came down to grip at your ear " I couldn't hear you "

you tried to swallow your hands moving to your stomach " Speak up "

" I-i'm tired " you wheezed out " shoto please "

he gripped at your shirt pulling you up
" you don't think I am either huh — it's fucking tiring have a girlfriend you put so much effort into so much time —trouble into training just for her to go out and fuck an ex-classmate "

his grip tightened on your shirt it ripping as your body was getting weaker and falling feet rushing to meet the floor as you fell in a heap .

" look at me " he was going crazy he was enjoying this " look at me you fucking slut "

your eyes failed to meet his " who did you fuck "

your body shook at the word
" w-who was it that you had sex with that night "

you couldn't speak " wh-what was his name "

you gasped trying to gain energy
" say it say the fuckers name "


your voice went out as his fist came down to your throat as you moved to speak but couldn't only blood coming out your breath slowing as your body fell back into the floor.

Your body could only move a tiny bit as limited air made its way into your body. Your eyes closed your left eye barely open and swollen from his original hit.

Your stomach marked and bruised as your right thigh had scraps from his shoes on it your legs bruised from being thrown around
"hey sho— man I think she's had enough " dabis voice cut the room his face uncomfortable as he moved to stop what was happening endeavors voice raising

" no he's fine — we cannot tell him how to deal with his woman " his face broke into a small smile
" she broke a rule she knows how this goes she's broken plenty of rules with me before "

his gaze came down to yours " I just had a different punishment assigned so she's not use to such force "

shotos voice came out stronger
" she's fucking fine — and I feel fucking great until she's not breathing i'm not loosening up "

" shoto please I — I didn't mean it I didn't mean to have sex with him or to —or to talk to you that way I just please -" his hand tightened on your throat
" I don't wanna hear your voice either " his grip tightened and tightened as his smile faded his mask dropping as he made eye contact with you .

Your vision going blurry and losing feeling in your body slowly but  his voice low to where only you could hear " this is for your own good "

his eyes watered 'i've never seen him cry before '

" this is for you more so than me and and your gonna be pissed at me more than pissed when you wake up —whenever this all clicks in your brain your gonna kill me and leave me and i'm —i'm sorry "

" shoto what are you telling her she doesn't seem scared " you felt your body relax in his touch

" this is to get you out of this room for right now ok — ok y/n "

you nodded small as his smile crossed his face almost grateful you'd even listened to him
" now go to sleep babe— go to sleep when you wake up you'll be doing what I brought you down here to do originally — i'll make sure my dad doesn't touch you ok "

you let yourself go feeling your body going dead and still as you lost the tiny bit of conciseness you'd had

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