' Forgets Things Her Feelings Arent Tied To'

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All of the guys stood staring at your bruised body each of them fighting the urge to say something until sero spoke up

" Did you guys really have to do all this "

Bakugou was looking down at you pity shown clearly in his eyes while deku was looking away he couldn't force himself to look at what they did.

" yeah dudes I was all for you guys teaching her a lesson maybe a small punishment but look at her " denki said as

sero bent down taking your face in his hands
examining it Your body jumping back a little in your sleep

" this is not cool look at her face " he ran a finger over one of your bruises that was starting to show

" over pizza really bakugou "

" that's what you say until she teases you and then rubs pizza sauce all over your favorite shirt "

" yeah but don't you feel bad I mean look at her " he sighed

"she knew she upset me that's why she ran. She knew exactly what was gonna happen."

" are you going soft on us sero " deku questioned

" shes just a girl . It's not like she did enough harm for this much pain. Shes gonna be in fear of making us mad for months."

the boys each raised their eyebrow

" is that not good " deku spoke " its funny you've only had one conversation with her and now your preaching about her well-being ?"

sero shut his mouth

" I understand feeling bad. her face was nice to look at i'll admit but now every time she looks in the mirror she'll not only be reminded that she should follow our rules and that she should shut up sometimes but that I don't like teases. "

bakugou bent down and lifted you up walking up the stairs . sero was quiet the whole time knowing he lost in trying to get them to feel bad for what they'd done.

the men walked upstairs making their way to her room

" she'll probably forget anyways "

sero scoffed " if you think she'll forget a near death experience your wrong "

" but isn't that how it works you guys said she tends to forget things because of her quirk " denki questioned

they finally arrived at your room bakugou placing you down neatly in your bed draping the covers over you .

" that's not how it works. " he said plopping back in a chair placed next to your bed " she only forgets some things "

" some things " sero asked

" yeah what is that suppose to mean. " denki questioned

Deku was sitting on the other side on the left side of your bed staring at the other two men at the bottom of your bed who were hovering over your legs confused. The only men here who didn't know what was going on and would soon need it explained

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