Chapter 6.5

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Rain POV

I woke up and got in the shower. My leg were so sore this had to be the worst part about it all.

"Hey." Haylee walked in the bathroom. "Chris got a call and he left when me and E got here."

I nodded.

"Okay." I

"So are y'all okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah we talked yesterday." I debated whether I should tell her. "He helped me understand a lot and we just talk about a lot of other stuff and ended up falling asleep." She nodded. "So did you and E talk?" I brushed my teeth and she followed me around my room as I got dressed.

"Yeah he actually listened to me and explained that he felt the same way and he isn't even worried about other females so wether we are official or not he only wants me." I nodded.

"So did you say yes?" She nodded. "Wait you are cuffed?!" I yelled and she start yelling and she hugged me.

"I know I know." She started jumping up and down. "I so excited!" I laughed.

"We gotta celebrate tonight!" I yelled.

"Definitely tell Bahia and Melody to come over." I nodded and grabbed my phone and call them.

"Yo Yo." Melody answered. "Not a FaceTime four way ain't have one of these since Bahia pregnancy scare." I laughed.

"Hello bitches." Bahia answered.

"Guess what!" I yelled.

"You got dick?" Bahia smiled. "I see it all in you face! I know you better then you know yourself! Look at you, I see it in your fucking eyes! The twinkle of innocent if now replace but a glisten of powerful femininity from-" She blabbed and her face was lighten up with excitement.

"No I am in a relationship!" Haylee interrupted her and Bahia smile dropped. "Well don't seem so happy for me."

"Bitch congratulations!" Melody yelled.

"My bad but I hype myself for the wrong thing now I got recharge." We laughed. "Here I got... yes bitch!" She yelled so loud you could hear her in melody's background.

"You are so stupid." Haylee laughed. "Come over now!"

"On our way." They hung up.

"What should we do now though?" I asked.

"E and them going to the park soon so we can definitely go to the park and then we can figure out when we can do all together." I nodded. " OK let me go get ready." She got up and went in her room.

I decided to clean my room and change my bedding. After I was done cleaning I went downstairs to cook me some beef bacon and eggs.

There was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and it was Bahia and Melody.

"After she should be getting out the shower and then we going to the park."

"Dee and them out there I just took him some food." I nodded.

"So are you nervous about seeing your ex bestfriend?" Bahia laughed.

"No we a cool now. We came to an understanding." She nodded. "I am just so excited-"

"When was this? Wait what happened." Melody asked.

" well yesterday we got into an argument because he fought some guy for calling me fat and he said that if I can't handle the little stuff then we might as well not be friends."

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