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Before I start this chapter, I just got a couple things to say. I think you guys don't understand the part that rain plays in all of this but that was my goal to victimize her but damn ain't nobody calling her out😂😂😂. You guys baby her. It is always everybody's fault but hers. Y'all are even blaming Bahia for what she said to Bahia. She's not a child she's a grown ass woman just like the rest of them. Most of them do not handle their problems with her or come to her with problems because they baby her just like the rest of you. 😂😂😂 Bahia is the only one who is willing to have that conversation with her but even she sugarcoats shit because Rain takes everything to heart. They blame Chris for everything and he takes the blame so I don't understand why y'all just feel like they are treating her like shit. They are barely even saying anything to her, to avoid hurting her feelings.

It is so cool to see you guy see things from different perspectives. Because a lot of the things that y'all point out I pick up on when y'all say it.

Thank you for all the support. 💋❤️💋

Chris POV

"Well if you are going to be on campus then you might as well go to the parties Rain." I looked at her and she sat on her phone texting with the biggest smile. "Who you texting? Mark?" She laughed.


"You really like him."

"I do." She shrugged.

" he fits your style."

" what's that? I feel like you're being shady." I laughed.

" no." I shook my head. " I do feel like me and my life was too much for you. Love made you blind to a lot of shit that I go through. He is more your style, he's someone that you can marry and have a legal life. Kids and generation wealth. Calm and enjoyable."

"Yeah." She sighed.

"What's wrong?"

" I don't know, I just thought that we would be forever and to see that we're going in different directions right now is very weird for me."

" yeah I can agree to that, I thought it was me and you for life. But things don't always work out like that. We have to learn to be OK with that. Maybe this isn't the end for us but maybe it is. We have an amazing friendship and that's all the matters." She nodded.

" it surprises me that you aren't jealous? Because you are a very jealous person." I laughed.

" I mean what can I do? Why would I sit around and bring negative energy to what the fuck you got going on. I dealt with that already, I cried about that already. Life goes on. I don't want to hear about you fucking a nigga. That still applies, but all of that hugging and kissing and shit like that that shit don't bother me. You are happy and that is all I can ask for right now." I shrugged. "You will forever be jealous if I'm doing anything with anybody because you're a female. You guys are emotional about things like that."

" don't be sexist, I am not jealous I just don't want to see it." She shrugged.

"Why though?" I looked down at my phone and Jane was calling.

"Who is that one of your whores?" I chuckled.

" you are continuing to prove my point." She rolled her eyes. " you don't really think logically, or realistically, but you never really have. So I don't blame you. You just don't want me to be happy if it's not with you, I believe that's selfish but that's just how you are." She gasped.

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