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Rain POV

I couldn't help but be nervous. This shit can go south and I know if pushed far enough Q will snap. No matter what he gone step behind me and I can give him that.

"Baby you alright?" I nodded. "Don't think so negatively, we will get through this."

"I know."

Right now we are waiting for Dee and Bahia. Bahia is someone that I love beyond means and I wanna fix this.

"Wussup Marq." Dee walked in. "Rainee, how you doing?" He hugged me.

"Hey Dee."

Dee has always kept the same energy with me. He was always cool and calm.

"Hey Rain." Bahia gave me and hugged. "Marq." She dapped him up.

They sat down and the energy sat in. Everyone was talking and laughing. Maybe it was me, maybe I am the bad energy. I just feel so uncomfortable around them.

"Okay so we came here to take a step to fixing this."

"Okay, you can start first." Bahia motioned. "No arguing or bicker, we can talk like adults. I don't feel good today so I don't have time for it."

"No you start."

"Okay well, I can admit that I feel like shit. I am sorry I couldn't be what you needed me to be in that moment." Bahia sighed. "Was just trying to push it on you. Everything. I was trying to rush you to make life changing choose, like with the whole situation, I shouldn't have been so involved, I can't be that type of friend for you. You don't need that, I have to start loving you how you want to be loved."

"You have always been what I needed you to be. You were the structure I needed you to be. You protected and provided for me when I needed it."

"But that wasn't what you needed for real because you didn't like it. I feel like the way it said it to me was a set up and it was very mean. You realy hurt me and-"

"You hurt me too."

"I am just saying what... i understand that I hurt you but what did I do?"

"When I was going through what I was going through you were there, you were judgmental and controlling."

"Rain I was not, the most I did was tell you to put a drank down or stop staring. I was so scared for you and you entering your new reality. I was so worried about you. I was not judging you, me and Dee were talking about the fact that it was throwing the energy off, yes but we can just make y'all get back into a toxic relationship because we are uncomfortable." Marq nodded.

That instantly pissed me off, I don't know why.

"How can you say you were worried but you didn't help me?"

Bahia POV

"Rain the little shit I was doing you call me out for. Why would I do more? I didn't want to overcrowd you." I sighed. "I honestly don't know what you want from me Rain, i have been trying and nothing I ever do is good enough. You say that we excluded you and isolated you but you just didn't involve yourself and no of us made a big deal about it. I took it as you were on some new grown shit, you don't have time to sit around and hangout, you are Vet and you're looking for a job, I figure you have shit going on." I shrugged.

"I was drunk Bahia."

"That is not an excuse for what you said to me. You brought up some much unnecessary shit, you had me questioning myself, my relationship, our friendship. You really hurt me and my feelings."

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